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SoundMorph Road Riders WAV | 1.26 Gb

Road Riders brings a new twist on what you'd normally expect to hear from a motorcycle. With a focus on capturing the unique sound of Ducati's higher-end motorbikes, the 2012 Ducati Panigale and the 2011 Ducati Monster, these titans have a unique sound that can be used for many things beyond motorcycles, including spaceships, cinematic whooshes, and a variety of other sci-fi vehicles. We have also included loads of bonus material, from the whiz and whine of the 2012 Yamaha FZ8 to the grit, muscle and loudness of a chopped 2001 Honda Shadow. Road Riders was recorded on location in Quebec, Canada's open country roads in 24bit/96kHz HD stereo. Featuring over 1.7GB of recordings and over 500MB of designed pass-bys and sound effects, Road Riders gets the job done quick and dirty, and adds a layer of raw power to any production.


Road Riders features more than 290 24bit/96 kHz .WAV files, all meticulously embedded with Soundminer & Basehead metadata, including:

2012 Ducati Panigale (pass-bys, revs, idles, ignition, parts)

2011 Ducati Monster (pass-bys, revs, idles, ignition, parts)

designed pass-bys

Shepard tone loops for accelerations and decelerations

Bonus files of the 2012 Yamaha FZ8

Bonus files of the 2001 Honda Shadow

SoundMorph 路车手 WAV |1.26 Gb

公路自行车运动员带来一个新的转折你通常希望听到从一辆摩托车。重点放在捕捉杜卡迪独特声音高端摩托车,2012年杜卡迪 Panigale 和 2011年杜卡迪怪物,这些泰坦有独特的声音,可以用于多东西是超越摩托车,包括太空船、 电影飞奔而去和各种其他科幻的车辆。我们还包括荷载的奖金的材料,从 2012 年的雅马哈 FZ8 砂砾、肌肉和切碎的 2001年本田阴影响度的神童沉浮。公路自行车运动员录在加拿大魁北克省开放的国家道路 24 位 96 kHz 高清立体声中的位置。设有 1.7 GB 以上的录音和超过 500 MB 的设计的传递力强和声音效果,公路自行车运动员得到这份工作,做快速和肮脏的并将原始力量一层添加到任何生产。


公路自行车运动员功能超过 290 24 位/96 kHz。WAV 文件,都一丝不苟地嵌入了 Soundminer & Basehead 元数据,包括 ︰

2012 杜卡迪 Panigale (通力强,转速、 懈怠,点火,部分)

2011 杜卡迪怪物 (通力强,转速、 懈怠,点火,部分)

设计的通过 bys


2012 年雅马哈 FZ8 的奖金文件

2001 本田阴影的奖金文件