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Sample Magic Soulful Vocals 3 WAV | 680 Mb

By popular demand we’re proud to present the third instalment of our Soulful Vocals series. We’ve teamed up with another A-list vocalist to create a rich, warm and emotive collection of full-song royalty-free vocal construction kits packed with verses, choruses, bridges, ad-libs and double-tracked stems ideal for use in house, nu-disco or pop productions.

Pulling on a rich heritage of gospel, soul and R&B influences, this authentic collection of beautifully written and stunningly performed vocal tracks has been recorded at SM HQ using our extensive range of mics and high-end outboard processing to ensure rich, warm vocal stems that will slot into any mix.

In total, there are 310 files across 10 full-song kits packed with verses, chorus, harmonies, bridges, double-tracked stems and ad libs. Each kit is key-labeled (a variety of keys are included across the pack) and tempo-sycned at 120bpm for total production ease. As always all kit stems are presented free from additional FX processing - beyond subtle EQ and compression - in order to give you total creative freedom in your own tracks.

Served at 120bpm, these vocal tracks are prefect for use in almost any electronic music genre, from deep house and nu-disco through to pop, electronica and beyond. Please note: this pack contains vocal samples only. All musical backings used in the demos are taken from Raw Analogue Funk and Bloq.

样品魔术深情演唱 3 WAV |680 mb

应大家的要求我们自豪地提出我们深情演唱系列的第三批。我们已经联手另一个 A 列表歌手来创建丰富、 温暖和情感的全部歌曲集合免版税的声乐工程成套挤满了经文、 合唱、 桥梁、 即兴和双跟踪茎适合使用在房子、 怒江迪斯科或流行作品。

拉福音、 灵魂和 R&B 影响的丰富遗产,这真实的集合的文字优美和惊人表演声乐路轨已经被记录在 SM 总部使用我们广泛的中等收入国家和高端的舷外加工,确保丰富,温暖将入任何混合槽的声乐茎。

总共有 310 文件跨 10 挤满了经文、 合唱、 和声、 桥梁、 双跟踪茎和即兴的全部歌曲包。每个套件是关键标记 (跨包包含了多种的键) 和节奏 sycned 在 120bpm为总生产方便。为总是所有套件茎介绍免费从额外的 FX 处理-超越微妙情商和压缩-给你总在你自己的足迹的创作自由。

在 120bpm 担任,这些声乐曲目有用于几乎任何电子音乐流派,从深宅和怒江迪斯科通过与流行,电子乐的完美。请注意︰ 此包包含声乐样品只。在演示中使用的所有音乐背衬取自原始模拟放克和 Bloq。