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Sample Magic - Lost In House MULTiFORMAT | 3.09 GB

From deep and brooding to melodic and anthemic: Lost In House takes you on a journey into the expansive depths of the house sound pioneered by the likes of Ame, Dixon, Mano Le Tough and Dominik Eulberg. Packed with 1GB of stripped analogue beats, warm organic percussion, sonorous synths, rumbling basslines, shuffling tops grooves, exquisite arps and more, this richly varied collection is one that rewards exploration.

Served in industry-standard 44.1kHz 24-bit Wav format, loops are presented at either 122 or 124bpm and have been formatted into Apple Loops and Rex2 files for cross-DAW compatibility. MIDI is also provided for melodic loops where possible, along with 5 custom drum kits and 4 sampler formats for instant inspiration and experimentation. Take a trip and get lost in house…

What's Inside

Drum Loops > 32 powerful beat-backers spanning spartan monochrome grooves through to colourful shuffling rhythms. Served with the usual stripped stems: kick-free, kick/snare, perc-only, hat-only.

Bass Loops > From dark aprs and rolling grooves to enveloping subs: 55 low-end loops punching at all the right frequencies. Served with MIDI where possible.

Synth Loops > Stunning selection of synth explorations spanning the deep and brooding to epic and anthemic. Key-labeled throughout and served with MIDI as standard.

Inspriation Kits > Five of our famed songstarters waiting to be mined when writer's block strikes. Each idea comes with a full mix (drums, melodics, FX) plus all stems broken out for total arrangement flexibility. Each extended track idea is key-labeled for convenience and supplied with MIDI for melodic parts.

Music Loops > 22 melodic motifs inspired by the Innversions sound. Each one comes with a full mix plus stripped-out stems for maximum creative freedom. Served with MIDI for those seeking full melodic control.

Percussion Loops > Inctricate organic percussion is reworked alongside classic analogue grooves. Programmed the right side of sparse to ensure seamless integration with fuller beats.

Tops Loops > Shuffling kick-free grooves laced with shakers, hats, synth and organic percussion. Expertly programmed to add instant olling shuffle to the simplest of beats.

FX > Choice selection of smooth and understated transitional tools designed for epic builds and breaks.

Drum Hits > 200 of our finest analogue/digital hybrid drum one-shots, spanning kicks, snares, hats, percussion and cymbals. Served with 5 hand-curated drum kits for instant ground-up beat buidling. Bundled with hit-type patches for easy sound soucing.

Download contains:

788 x 24-bit Wav loops and one-shots

503 x Apple Loops

503 x Rex2 files

178 x MIDI files

5 x Custom drum kits for Maschine, Battery, EXS24, Kong and Ableton Drum Rack

4 x Sampler formats for Kontakt, EXS24, NN-XT and Ableton Drum Rack

样品丢失在房子繁多的魔法-|3.09 GB

从深和沉思的旋律和打动人心︰ 失去的房子对你房子膨胀深处的旅程健全首倡的 Ame 迪克森、 马诺乐、 坚韧 Dominik Eulberg 喜欢。挤满了 1 GB 的剥离模拟节拍、温暖有机打击乐、 铿锵的合成器,隆隆低音贝斯柔和,洗牌顶槽、 精致 arps 和更多,这个富于变化的集合是一种奖励探索。

在行业标准 44.1 k h z 24 位 Wav 格式,循环在 122 或 124bpm 提出,被格式化成苹果循环以及跨 DAW 兼容的 Rex2 文件。MIDI 还提供为旋律循环中,在可能的情况,以及 5 自定义鼓包和瞬间的灵感和实验 4 采样格式。走一趟,走丢了的房子......


鼓式循环 > 32 强大节拍-支持者跨越斯巴达单色槽通过色彩缤纷的洗牌节奏。配上通常剥离茎︰ 免踢,踢/网罗,perc 只读、 只帽子。

低音循环 > 从黑暗的年利率和滚动沟槽至包络潜艇︰ 55 低端循环冲在所有正确的频率。配 MIDI,在可能的情况。

Synth 循环 > 令人惊叹的 synth 探索跨越深和沉思史诗和打动人心的选择。关键标记在整个和配 MIDI 作为标准。

策动工具包 > 五等可供开采的作家的块来袭我们著名的 songstarters。每个想法都带有充分混合 (鼓,melodics,FX) 再加上所有茎爆发总安排的灵活性。每个扩展的轨道想法为关键标记为提供便利,并提供与 MIDI 旋律部分。

音乐循环 > 22 旋律图案 Innversions 声音的鼓舞。每个人都有充分的混合,再加上剥离出茎为最大的创作自由。对于那些寻求全旋律控制配 MIDI。

打击乐循环 > Inctricate 有机打击乐返工旁边经典模拟槽。编程的稀疏,确保充分的节拍与无缝集成的右侧。

顶环 > 洗牌踢自由槽带有呼风唤雨、 帽子、 合成器和有机的打击乐。编程序将添加到最简单的即时扑洗牌的节拍。

FX > 精选的光滑和低调的过渡工具专为史诗生成和休息。

鼓打 > 200 我们最好的模拟/数字混合鼓一个镜头,跨越踢、 陷阱、 帽子、 打击乐和铙钹。即时的地面向上打建筑配 5 手策划的鼓包。与简单声音保管费命中类型修补程序捆绑在一起。


788 x 24 位 Wav 循环和一个镜头

苹果循环 x 503

503 x Rex2 文件

MIDI 文件 x 178

5 x 自定义为 Maschine、 电池、 EXS24、 香港 Ableton 鼓架鼓包

4 x 采样格式开播、 EXS24、 NN XT 和 Ableton 鼓架