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Push Button Bang - Chill Trap Sax WAV | 651 Mb

Push Button Bang presents Chill Trap Sax, a breathtaking journey into melodic brass for chill trap, future rnb, liquid future bass, melodic dnb and much more.

Featuring a huge 950mb of beautiful, mysterious sax melodics. This collection is designed to offer hundreds of starting points and perfect gap filling melodies for chill trap and liquid style productions.

Hooks phrases, held lines, sustained building notes, improvisations, melodic backing, all can be used individually or combined together to create individual unique melodies or whole song structures.

The collection features 190 beautifully played and expertly recorded saxophone sequences, ranging in length from 2 to 32 bars, with most being longer in length. Included are a dry (no reverb) version and “mix ready” processed reverb version of each. Also included are 20 FX processed stems, which use a variety of methods to product interesting variations on the sax sound. As usual,all files are key mapped for easy use. All loops are at 140 bpm making them versatile for double and half speed tempos,

You will find countless inspirational moments in the playing, with so many catchy sequences, improvisations and solo parts that can be quickly fused together to create all kinds of beautiful melodic brass components.


24 Bit Quality

950 MB

400 Wav loops

190 Dry Versions

190 Wet Versions

20 FX Stem Versions

推按钮爆炸-冷静陷阱 Sax WAV |651 mb

按钮浜提出了冷静陷阱 Sax,成旋律黄铜寒意陷阱、 未来 rnb、 液体未来的低音,旋律 dnb 和更多的惊险旅程。

具有巨大的 950 mb 的美丽、 神秘的 sax melodics。此集合被旨在提供数以百计的开始点和完美的间隙填充寒意陷阱和液体风格制作的旋律。


集功能 190 精美演奏和熟练地记录萨克斯序列,长度范围从 2 到 32 的酒吧,大多是长度的时间更长。包括干 (没有混响) 版本和每个"组合准备好了"处理混响版本。此外包括了 20 FX 处理茎,使用各种方法对产品有趣的 sax 声音的变化。像往常一样,所有的文件都为易于使用映射的键。所有的循环都在 140 bpm 使它们灵活的双和半速的节奏,



24 位质量

950 MB

400 Wav 循环

190 干版本

190 湿的版本

20 FX 干版本