CG数据库 >> 音效下载Wave Alchemy – Mainroom Drum and Bass MULTiFORMAT

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Wave Alchemy - Mainroom Drum and Bass MULTiFORMAT | 1.75 Gb

Fusing uplifting and melodic with downright dark and dirty; Mainroom DnB delivers a boundary-breaking collection of monstrous beats & breaks, cone-melting basslines, moody melodics, speaking-ripping leads, twisted tops, pumping percussion workouts and much more; inspired by the likes of Andy C, Black Sun Empire, Tantrum Desire and leading labels such as Black Out, Ram Records, Technique Recordings & Critical Music.

Expect to find over 600 MB (1.9GB including REX, Apple & Live 9 Formats) of stunningly produced sample content recorded at 175 BPM, featuring floor-filling drum loops, top loops, percussion ensembles, bass loops, atmospheres, synth & chord loops, slamming drum hits and SFX, as well as accompanying MIDI files for each melodic loop!

What’s included in the sample pack?

Drum Loops - 132 loops, including punishing drum grooves, intricate beats, dirty breaks, grimey percussion workouts and cutting tops. 31 full drum loops each including 4-5 variations (full, stripped, top, groove…)

Bass loops – 39 loops, delivering brutal sub tear-outs, twisted low-enders, mutated reeses, complex neuro bass, sinister evolving growls and much more…

Synth Loops – 33 speaker-ripping leads, main-room stabs, moody melodics and analogue chords

Top & Percussion Loops – 51 creatively programmed kick-free add-on loops including intricately layered top lines, dusty percussion, filthy hi-hat rhythms, creative groove-assist loops and much more…

Tone & Atmosphere Loops – 23 moody atmospherics, ethereal ambiences and lush sound-beds – perfect for adding character and movement to your track…

Drum Hits & Tones – 148 drum hits, percussion licks, bass tones & synth hits, full of character and created from the ground-up

Sound Effects - 21 risers, falls, transition tools and tempo-synced FX

MIDI Patterns – 76 MIDI files divided into ‘bass’ and ‘synth’ patterns. This folder includes the MIDI patterns from all of the library’s Bass and Synth loops

Ableton Live 9 Pack - Live pack featuring audio and midi clips, alongside sampler / simpler instruments for all bass hits, synth hits, drum hits and tones

Drum Kits - 11 ready-to-play drum kits & sampler patches for Battery, Kontakt, NN-XT, Halion and SFZ


278 x 24-bit Wav loops

169 x 24-bit Wav one-shot samples & fx

76 MIDI patterns

Feature rich Ableton Live 9 pack

227 x REX 2 loops

227 x Apple loops

227 x Acidized Wav loops

波炼金术-主楼客房鼓和低音繁多 |1.75 Gb

融合令人振奋和旋律完全黑暗和肮脏的;主楼客房 DnB 提供边界断裂集合的可怕的节拍与休息,锥融化低音贝斯柔和,喜怒无常的 melodics,讲翻录带领,扭曲的上衣,抽打击乐训练和更多;灵感的安迪 C、 黑太阳帝国、 发脾气的欲望和领先的标签,如黑出来,Ram 记录技术录音及临界音乐喜欢。

期望找到超过 600 MB (1.9 GB 包括雷克斯,苹果 & 生活 9 格式) 的惊人产生在 175BPM,设有楼面填充循环鼓、 高循环、 打击乐合奏、 低音循环、 大气、 synth &弦循环、 砰击鼓打和 SFX,以及伴随每个旋律循环的 MIDI 文件记录的示例内容 !


鼓式循环-132 循环,包括惩罚鼓槽,复杂节拍,脏休息,守日打击乐训练和切割顶部。31 充分鼓循环每个包括 4-5 变化 (...充分、 剥离、 顶部、 槽)

低音的循环 — — 39 循环,提供残酷子眼泪出局,扭曲低恩德斯、 突变 reeses,复杂神经低音,险恶不断变化的咆哮和更多...

Synth 循环 — — 33 位发言者翻录领导,主要房间刺伤、 喜怒无常的 melodics 和模拟和弦

顶部与打击乐循环 — — 51 创造性地编程踢免费附加循环包括错综复杂的顶线,满是灰尘的打击乐、 肮脏喜帽子节奏、 创意槽协助循环以及更多...

口气 & 大气循环 — — 23 的忧郁气氛、 空灵的气息和郁郁葱葱的声音床 — — 完美的将字符和运动添加到你的足迹......

鼓打 & 音调 — — 148 鼓命中、 打击乐舔、 低音 & synth 命中,富有个性和创建从地面向上

声音效果-21 冒口、 瀑布、 过渡工具和节奏同步 FX

MIDI 模式 — — 76 MIDI 文件分为低音' 和 '合成' 模式。此文件夹包含 MIDI 模式从所有图书馆的低音和 Synth 循环

Live 9 包-有特色的音频和 midi 的视频,同时采样的活包 / 简单文书为所有低音命中,synth 命中,鼓命中和色调

鼓包-11 准备玩鼓包与电池、 开播、 NN XT、 Halion 和 SFZ 采样器修补程序


278 x 24 位 Wav 循环

169 x 24 位 Wav 一次性样品 & fx

76 MIDI 模式

功能丰富的 Ableton 生活 9 包

227 x 雷克斯 2 循环

苹果循环 x 227

227 x 酸化 Wav 循环