CG数据库 >> Maya动画教程


Duration 3h Project Files Included MP4

Non-destructive Retargeting of MOCAP Animation in Maya


This course, Non-destructive Retargeting of MOCAP Animation in Maya, will help CG artists (both animators and generalists) who want to have their characters driven by MOCAP in a simple and effective way. First, you will learn how to evaluate a custom character rig from a MOCAP retargeting standpoint and how to set up Maya’s Human IK system to communicate to your custom rig. Then, you will learn how to import any bipedal MOCAP animation clip and apply that motion to your character in just a few easy steps. Finally, you will learn several tricks on how to speed up the animation process without the need of extensive technical knowledge while working within pipelines lacking MOCAP support and you will increase your productivity in realistic character animation. By the end of this course, you’ll know how to drive virtually any bipedal custom rig using motion capture data, relying only on Maya native tool and Human IK system. Software Required: Maya 2016.

持续时间 3 h 项目文件包括的 MP4

非破坏性重定向的 MOCAP 动画在玛雅


本课程中,非破坏性重定向的 MOCAP 动画在玛雅,将帮助 CG 艺术家 (动画和通才) 谁想要他们的字符驱动的 MOCAP 简单和有效的方式。首先,您将学习如何评价自定义字符钻机从 MOCAP retargeting 角度来看,如何设置玛雅的人类 IK系统向您自定义的钻机。然后,您将学习如何导入任何两足的 MOCAP 动画剪辑和把这个运动应用到你的角色只是几个简单的步骤。最后,您将学习如何加快动画过程中不需要的丰富的技术知识,缺乏 MOCAP 支持管道内工作时的几个技巧,你将会提高您的生产力在真实的角色动画。这门课程结束时,你会知道如何驾驶几乎任何两足的自定义钻机采用运动捕获数据,只能依靠玛雅本机工具和人类 IK 系统。软件要求︰ 玛雅 2016 年。