cgcookie - Introduction to Compositing in Blender
English | mp4 | H264 1280x720 | AAC 2 ch | 1.75 GB
eLearning | Level: Intermediate | Software: Blender 2.63
This series will not only teach you how to get great results through compositing, it will also teach all of the technical details that need to be considered with compositing.
This series was originally released in 2012 and offered as a Digital and DVD Training Series via our Shop. As the series has now passed the ripe old age of two years we are now inducting it into the Citizen library. It is beginning to show it’s age but the techniques and workflows are still relevant today!
This includes image levels, image colors, color management, handling proper alpha values, green screen keying, and much more. You will also learn many techniques for managing your renders in a smarter way that enables to perform many changes and make finer adjustments without needing to render again.
You will learn advanced masking techniques, how to work with all of the different render passes and even how to make your own render passes. Beyond that you will also learn how to properly handle ambient occlusion, environment lighting, shadows, reflections, refractions, and more.
英语 |mp4 |H264 1280 x 720 |AAC 2 ch |1.75 GB
电子教学 |级别︰ 中级 |软件︰ 搅拌机 2.63
这一系列最初在 2012 年发布,提供作为数字和 DVD 培训系列通过我们的商店。作为该系列现在已通过两年岁高龄我们现在引入它公民图书馆。它开始显示它是年龄,但技术和工作流今天仍然具有现实意义 !
这包括图像水平、 图像颜色、 色彩管理、 处理适当的 alpha 值,绿色屏幕键控,和更多。您还将学习能够执行许多更改,而无需再次呈现进行精细的调整变得更聪明地管理你的渲染的很多技巧。
你将学习先进的掩蔽技术,如何工作与所有的不同呈现通行证,甚至如何使自己呈现通行证。在那之外你还将学习如何妥善处理环境闭塞、 环境照明、 阴影、 反射、 折射,和更多。