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Sample Magic Chillwave 3 MULTiFORMAT | 2.23 Gb

The Chillwave trilogy is complete of lo-fi tape-deck beats, retro analogue synths, shoegaze guitars, hazy pads, found-sound ambiences that encompass the sound of Chillwave in the broadest sense. Pulling together elements of 80s synth pop, dreamy electronica, chillout and indie into one inspiration collection that reflects the sound of Chillwave today.

The digital booklet further down this page gives insight into the creative processes behind the collection and includes a full kit list as well as some production tips and insights from the producers behind the collection. All loops are presented at either 90 or 100bpm and all melodic loops are key-labeled and offered with MIDI variants where possible.

What's Inside

Drum Loops > 46 families of lo-fi beats and lazy grooves. Down-sampling and authentic tape processing gives each beat even more analogue character. Beats are offered with kick-free and stripped variants for beat flexibility.

Synth & Keys Loops > Retro keys, glo-fi leads, wavey arpeggios and processed progressions: XX key-labeled hooks served with MIDI variants as standard.

Inspiration Loops > 40 folders bursting with blissed-out chillwave and 80s synth-pop songstarters. Basslines, synths, guitars, pads, vox, music loops - all offered with a full mix and as individual stems. Use them as they are or bung in your sampler of choice for vinyl-style inspiration - cutting and re-working them into new ideas. Key-labeled throughout and offered with MIDI stems also.

Guitar Loops > Shozegaze riffs, contemplative chords and hazy washes to bury in the mix. Key-labeled as standard.

Melodic Textures & Pads > Stunningly rich, complex and evolving pads and melodic textures ranging from the soaring to the soporific. Key-labeled throughout and offered side chain free for total control.

Dust & Found Sound Loops > Outdoor ambiences, vinyl cracks, tape hums and more: the detailed atmospherics to slot in the mix.

Vocal Loops > Distant harmonies, re-modelled vox and solo phrases. Instant vocal bliss.

Drum Fills > Precision tom fills and snare rolls primed for timeless transitions.

Chord Shots > Richly varied bank of analogue-sourced and heavily processed chord one-shots. Warm, uniqued and carefully effected, each chord is a song-starter in the making.

Drum Hits > 387 finely-honed one-shots (kick, snare & clap, tom, hats, cymbals, percussion) offer beat smiths some of our more characterful drum sounds to date. From layered Linns, retro Rolands and quirky Casios to live and field-recorded hits, there’s inspiration to last a lifetime. Comes with X custom drum kits for…

样品魔术 Chillwave 3 繁多 |2.23 Gb

Chillwave 三部曲是完整的低保真磁带卡座节拍,复古的模拟合成器,起伏吉他、朦胧垫,包括 Chillwave 的声音在最广泛意义上的发现声音气息。齐心协力的 80 年代元素 synth pop、 梦幻般的电子乐,chillout 和独立到今天反映 Chillwave 声音的一个灵感集合。

数字的小册子进一步下移此页使集合背后的创意过程洞察并包括完整套件列表,以及一些生产技巧和见解从背后集合生产者。所有循环都介绍在任一 90 或 100bpm 和所有旋律循环是关键标记,提供以 MIDI 变形,在可能的情况。


鼓低保真节拍和懒惰槽循环 > 46 的家庭。降采样和正宗的磁带处理给每个打更多的模拟字符。节拍被提供踢自由和剥离的变种,节拍的灵活性。

Synth & 键循环 > 复古钥匙、 glo fi 线索、 飘逸的琶音和加工的进阶︰ XX 关键标记钩配 MIDI 变种作为标准。

灵感循环 > 40 文件夹迸发着欢天喜地 chillwave 和 80 年代 synth pop songstarters。低音贝斯柔和、 合成器、 吉他、 垫、 vox、 音乐循环-所有提供全套混合和作为个体的茎。使用它们作为他们或插在你的采样的首选乙烯风格灵感-切割和重新工作,到新的想法。整个关键标记,并能提供与 MIDI 茎也。

吉他循环 > Shozegaze 即兴重复段、 沉思的和弦和朦胧的洗,把埋在混合。关键标记作为标准。

旋律的纹理 & 垫 > 惊人丰富、 复杂和不断变化的垫和旋律纹理从飙升到安眠药。关键标记在整个和提供侧链免费总控制。

灰尘与发现声音循环 > 户外气息、 乙烯基裂缝、 磁带嗡嗡声和更多︰ 详细的气氛到组合中的插槽。

声乐的循环 > 遥远的和声,重新塑造的 vox 和独奏的短语。即时的声乐幸福。

鼓式填充 > 精度汤姆填充和网罗卷引为永恒的过渡。

弦杆 > 富于变化的银行的模拟来源和深度加工弦一个镜头。温暖,独特和仔细的影响,每个和弦是首歌起动器在制作。

鼓点击数 > 387 精心琢磨过一个镜头 (踢、 网罗 & 拍、 汤姆、 帽子、 铙钹、 打击乐) 提供打铁匠一些到目前为止我们更多特色鼓的声音。从分层林氏,复古 Rolands 和古怪的 Casios 生活和字段记录的点击率,还有一辈子的灵感。带有 X 自定义鼓包的...