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音效下载In Session Audio Lowdown Groove Guitar and Direct KONTAKT的图片1

In Session Audio Lowdown Groove Guitar and Direct KONTAKT | 998 Mb

Lowdown Groove Guitar is a loop library that blends funk, R&B, jazz and rock influences into 500+ licks in the 70-105 BPM range. Utilizing a dual guitar approach complementary parts slink, swing and swagger in and out of one another producing a slick interplay of sound.

With eighteen groove suites PLUS a large toolbox of common rhythms (recorded chromatically), Lowdown Groove Guitar works with just about any music that needs a relaxed and loose feel.

Size: Approximately 1.3 GB (amped) for each format when uncompressed; inclusive of the Bonus Set.

Options: The library is available in an “amped” or a “direct” (clean) version. Choose the “direct” version if you’d like to use amp simulation software (like Guitar Rig, Amplitube, etc…).

Parts: 552; inclusive of the Bonus Sets.

Sound: Dry. Kontakt users have a menu of reverb types and other effects that can be applied and modified.

Quality: Stereo 24 bit 44.1kHz (amped); Mono 24 bit 44.1kHz (direct/clean)

Requirements: The Kontakt format of the library requires the full-retail version of Native Instruments’ Kontakt 5.1 or higher.

会议音频内幕槽吉他和直接开播 |998 mb

内幕槽吉他是融合爵士放克,R&B,一个循环库和岩石影响到 500 + 70-105 BPM范围的舔。利用双吉他办法补充部分偷偷、 摆动和昂首阔步进另一个产生一个光滑的相互作用的声音。

与十八槽套房再加上常见的节奏 (记录上色) 大型工具箱,内幕槽吉他作品需要一个放松和松散的感觉只是任何音乐。

尺寸︰ 大约 1.3 GB (兴奋) 为每种格式在解压缩后;包容性的奖金设置。

选项︰ 图书馆是可用在"自我膨胀"或"直接"(干净) 的版本。选择"直接"的版本,如果您想要使用 amp 仿真软件 (如 Amplitube,吉他钻机等。......)。

部分︰ 552;包容性的奖金设置。

声音︰ 干。开播用户有混响类型和其他效果,可以应用和修改的菜单。

质量︰ 立体声 24 位 44.1 k h z (兴奋);单声道 24 位 44.1 k h z (直接/清洁)

要求︰ 图书馆的开播格式要求完整零售版本的本机文书开播 5.1 或更高。