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Woodshed Audio Tastemaker Vol 1 WAV | 459 Mb

[Vintage Machines + Manual Drums] Tastemaker Vol 1 is a unique collection of fresh and edgy sounds for modern music creators who aren’t bound by genre. And making Tastemaker was a blast! We covered drum sets with t-shirts and rattles, dropped things and yelled, carefully sampled vintage synths and then processed them abusively. To put it lightly… This pack is eclectic. Created in multiple spaces from Nashville, TN to Charlotte, N.C. with friendly people who love making awesome music. The result was magical.

In this loaded pack you’ll find kick ass lo-fi synth sounds from the 80’s and key basses from the 60’s that are ready to be dropped into a sampler, spread across your midi controller, and made into hook-worthy melodies. You’ll find one-shot samples from both legendary drum machines and Frankenstein acoustic kits played by humans. Robots and humans? Yes! Finally, the best part is the 100+ loops (handmade by producer Christian Fiore) that bring all of the sounds together into ready riffs and patterns for your songs.

Files are delivered in 44.1 x 24

Over 1 GB of Premium Sounds

11 transitional fills, 100+ loops, 30 vocal samples, 44 drop percussion combos, 9 folders of processed vintage key bass (full octave), 7 folders of processed lo-fi synths (full octave), Manual drums (17 kicks / 31 snares), and 120+ kick, snare, tom, and percussion samples from vintage drum machines.

As good as pizza

练习第 1 卷音频时尚 WAV |459 mb

[老式机器 + 手动鼓]第 1 卷时尚是新鲜和前卫的声音,不受体裁的现代音乐创作者独特的收藏。制作时尚了一次爆炸 !我们涵盖鼓集 t 恤衫和摇铃、 丢弃的东西和大喊,仔细采样老式合成器,然后处理他们滥用。说得轻一点......这包是折衷主义。创建多个空格从纳什维尔,田纳西州到北卡罗来纳州夏洛特,与友好的人们,喜欢做音乐,令人敬畏。其结果是神奇的。

此加载的包中你会发现踢屁股,从 80 年代的低保真 synth 声音和关键低音从 60 年代,准备好要掉进取样器、 遍布你的 midi 控制器,制成 hook-worthy 的旋律。你会发现从传奇鼓机和弗兰肯斯坦 》 演奏的声学套件由人一次性样品。机器人和人类吗?是的!最后,最好的部分是 100 + 的循环 (由生产者基督徒菲奥雷手工制作),使所有的声音一起准备的即兴重复段和模式为你的歌声。

文件传送 44.1 x 24

1 GB 以上的溢价声音

11 过渡填充,100 + 的循环,30 声乐样品、 44 滴打击乐组合、 9 文件夹的处理老式关键低音 (完全八度),7 文件夹的加工的低保真 synth (完整第八度),手工鼓 (17 踢 / 31 陷阱),和 120 + 踢,网罗,汤姆和打击乐器样品从老式鼓机。
