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音效下载Beta Monkey Rock Hard Funk III Hybrid Grooves WAV REX AiFF的图片1

FANTASTiC July 27 2016 | 2.61 GB

Take the roots of funk, mix in elements of rock, jazz, r & b, hip hop, and combine with one goal in mind: maximum groove. Rock Hard Funk III Hybrid Funk oozes groove for artists looking for a one-of-a-kind powerhouse collection of grooves.

Get the grooves that will inspire your groove-intensive projects. Whether you're influenced by the traditional funk drum tracks of James Brown and P-Funk, the hypnotic grooves of the early hip-hop, or uniquely hybrid drum styles that defy simple categorization, Rock Hard Funk III Hybrid Funk serves up deep in-the-pocket grooves with a propulsive and infectious energy unlike any other drum loop collection you own.

Rock Hard Funk III Hybrid Funk takes drum loops to another level of groove inspiration and inventiveness. Combining a vast range of drum styles and inspirations, from infectious backbeat funk to ear-bending jazz-rock-hiphop fusion hybrid grooves (and some odd meter groove action is mixed in for good measure), this groove library brings the beats that your music needs.

You can’t program the feel or soul of these live grooves. Virtual instruments are certainly here to stay, but they won’t capture the rhythmic nuance or history and blend it all together in musically inventive grooves that speak to those who can hear the difference. While it's EZ to program for modern pop styles, sometimes you need something more. Something a lot more.

And, more is what you get with Rock Hard Funk III Hybrid Funk. Tired of lightweight limp loop collections offering way less and charging more? We’ve seen enough of those too. This drum loop set weighs in at over 800 MB and gives you 450 two, four and eight bar drum loops for song-starter options. It’s quality and quantity.

Build the foundation of your next project with the right drum tracks. From 60 bpm to 130 bpm, Rock Hard Funk III Hybrid Funk will inspire you and your music.

If you need a different kind of groove, it’s in here waiting for you.

梦幻般 2016 年 7 月 27 日 |2.61 GB

扎根放克、 混合中的摇滚、 爵士、 r & b,嘻哈元素和结合心中一个目标︰ 最大槽。岩石坚硬放克 III 混合放克渗出艺术家寻找独一无二的厂房集合的槽沟。

得到的沟槽,这样会激励你槽密集型项目。是否你受传统 funk 鼓轨道的詹姆斯 ·布朗和 P 放克,催眠槽的早期嘻哈,或者唯一违抗简单分类,岩石硬放克 III 混合放克的混合鼓样式提供了深在口袋槽与推进和传染性的能量,与任何其他鼓循环集合自己的不同。

岩石坚硬放克 III 混合放克将循环鼓带到另一个水平槽灵感和创造力。结合广阔的鼓样式和启示,从传染性回击放克到耳朵弯曲 jazz-岩石-嘻哈融合混合槽 (和一些奇怪米槽行动混杂的对于好的措施),此槽库带来了你的音乐需要的节拍。

你不能编程的感觉或灵魂的这些活的沟槽。虚拟仪器,当然在这里留下来,但他们却不会捕获有节奏的细微差别或历史融合在一起在跟那些人可以听出不同的音乐发明槽。虽然它是 EZ 到现代流行风格的程序,有时你需要更多的东西。很多更多的东西。

而且,更是你跟岩石硬放克 III 混合放克。厌倦了轻量级的跛行循环集合发行方式较少和充电更多吗?我们也见过那些。这套鼓循环重达 800 MB 以上,给你 450二、 四和八酒吧循环鼓歌起动器选项。它的质量和数量。

建立您与右鼓轨道的下一个项目的基础。从到 130 bpm 的 60 bpm,岩石硬放克 III 混合放克将激励你和你的音乐。
