CG数据库 >> 玛雅2017年简介


Duration 11h 25m Project Files Included MP4

Introduction to Maya 2017


This in-depth Maya tutorial is designed to help you get a solid understanding of the core features found in Maya, and help you to ease your transition into this very powerful program. During the course of these lessons, you’ll have a chance to learn about different aspects of Maya from two experts. In the first portion of this tutorial, you’ll get familiar with some of the vocabulary and foundational skills that you’ll need in order to begin moving around and working in Maya. From there, you’ll move into exploring some of the modeling features found in Maya and begin building the mining pod, which will be your central project for the remainder of this course. From there, you go through the entire process of adding textures and materials to the pod. Then, you’ll see the process of adding animation controls, animated movement, and dynamics. Finally, you’ll discover how to add lights, shadows, and how to output your final animated sequence. This course is designed for new Maya users, so the goal is not to weigh you down with a lot of technical information. Instead, its goal is to help you form some really good habits and workflows, allowing you to see the entire start-to-finish pipeline for this project, and by the end of this Maya course, you’ll be at point where you can feel very comfortable using the software. Software required: Maya 2017.

持续时间 11 h 25 m 项目文件包括的 MP4

玛雅人 2017年简介


这深入的玛雅教程旨在帮助您获得扎实的理解的核心功能在玛雅人,发现和帮助你缓解你过渡到这个非常强大的程序。在这些经验教训的过程中,你会有机会了解玛雅人从两个专家的不同方面。在本教程的第一部分,你会熟悉一些词汇和您需要才能开始走动的基本技能和玛雅人的工作。从那里,你会进入探索一些建模特征在玛雅人中找到,并开始建立采矿吊舱,它将是你为本课程的其余部分的中央项目。从那里,你就通过向圆荚体中添加纹理和材料的整个过程。然后,你会看到控件添加动画、 动画的运动和动力学过程。最后,你会发现如何添加灯光,阴影和如何输出你最后的动画的序列。本课程是为玛雅人的新用户,所以目标不是要你下坠与大量的技术信息。相反,它的目标是帮助您形成一些真正良好的生活习惯和工作流,从而允许您查看整个开始-完成管道对于这个项目,和这个玛雅课程结束时,您将在那里你能感觉到很舒服的点使用软件。所需软件︰ 玛雅2017年。