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Sample Magic Miami Sessions MULTiFORMAT | 1.83 Gb

With WMC, Ultra Festival and Miami Music Week there’s no doubt that Miami is at the epicentre of cutting-edge electronic music right now. So to celebrate the start of party season we’ve put together Miami Sessions: 1.2GB of slick deep house beats, techy sub basslines, 90s-inspired piano riffs, melodic synth motifs and more fusing the best in deep, tech, bass and tropical house music today.

Presented in pristine 24-bit quality in Wav, Apple Loops and Rex2 formats, all loops are tempo-synced at 124bpm and key-labeled where applicable.

What's Inside

Drum Loops > Chunky tribal-infused rollers and slick minimal-infused grooves: 25 precision-programmed beats primed for Miami mayhem. Served with a full mix and all the stripped stems you’d expect.

Bass Loops > Dirty FM grooves, old skool organs, funky live licks and buzzy square waves: 32 full-fat low-end loops key-labeled and served with MIDI versions as standard.

Piano Loops > Emotive, anthemic, euphoric: 80 memorable piano toplines channeling the best of 90s house music. Key-labeled throughout and MIDI versions provided for full melodic control.

Inspiration Kits > 10 expertly-programmed track-starters loaded with all you need to create a Miami poolside hit. Each extended song idea comes in a key-labeled folder loaded with a full mix and each individual stem broken out, including: drums, bass, leads, piano, vocals, FX and more. Each melodic element comes with MIDI for maximum creative freedom.

Music Loops > Sunshine-soaked synths, bells, strings, plucks and arps. Key-labeled and served with MIDI as standard.

Vox Loops > Choice selection of pitched and processed vocal loops to pepper any poolside anthem. Key-labeled for convenience.

FX > 20 essential FX for seamless transitions, including: down lifters, impacts, reverses and crashes.

Drum Hits > 130 of our trademark drum samples: kicks, claps, snares, hats and percussion one-shots bundled with 5 ready-to-play kits for all major soft samplers.

样品神奇迈阿密会议繁多 |1.83 Gb

与 WMC,超节和毫无疑问的是,迈阿密的迈阿密音乐周现在在震中的尖端的电子音乐。所以要庆祝派对季节的开始我们已经在一起把迈阿密会议︰ 1.2 GB 的浮油深房子跳动,易怒子低音贝斯柔和、 90 年代灵感钢琴即兴、 旋律 synth 图案和更多今天融合在深、 科技、 低音和热带房子音乐最好。

在 Wav、 苹果循环和 Rex2 格式的原始 24 位质量,所有的循环介绍节奏同步在 124bpm 和关键标记在适用的情况。


鼓式循环 > 矮矮胖胖的部落注入辊和光滑小注入槽︰ 25 精度编程跳动引为迈阿密混乱。配有充分混合和您期望的所有剥离的茎。

低音循环 > 脏 FM 槽、 老斯库尔器官、 时髦活舔和嗡嗡的方形波︰ 32 全脂低端循环关键标记和担任与 MIDI 版本标准。

钢琴的循环 > 情感、 打动人心,有欣快感︰ 80 难忘钢琴头骨上线,窜的 90 年代最好房子音乐。关键标记在整个和 MIDI 版本提供了完整的旋律的控制。

灵感工具包 > 10 编程序跟踪起动器加载与所有您需要创建一个迈阿密池畔打击。扩展的歌曲的想法在加载与充分混合和爆发,每个人干的关键标记文件夹中包括︰鼓,低音,带领,钢琴、 声乐、 FX 和更多。旋律的每个元素带有 MIDI 最大的创作自由。

音乐循环 > 阳光浸泡高亮、 钟声、 字符串、 敷女,采桑 arps。关键标记和配 MIDI作为标准。

Vox 循环 > 精选的音调和处理声乐的环路,胡椒任何池畔国歌。关键标记为提供便利。

对于无缝过渡,包括外汇 > 20 基本 FX︰ 下举重,影响、 逆转和崩溃。

鼓打 > 130 我们商标鼓样品︰ 踢、 掌声、 陷阱、 帽子和打击乐一个镜头捆绑 5 准备玩包为所有主要软取样器。