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Rhythmic Robot Soviet Organ KONTAKT | 431 Mb

Unique sound sampled from a vintage Soviet Russian organ: borked, damaged and dangerous! Body Speaker for full-range warmth, blendable broken Flight Case Speakers to add extra gritty nastiness. Upper registers can be switched between classic octave behaviour and harmonic intervals of Fifth and Major Third, to introduce a Vox-style tonality to the sound.

Retrofitted switchable envelope control allows sound sculpture if you wish, or vintage organ voicing if you don’t. Vintage Tremolo affects both pitch and amplitude for very organic variation in the sound. You will never hear a tone like this anywhere else. The result of a complete impulse purchase on Mongo’s part (he’s attracted to anything ex-Soviet rather like magpies are attracted to glitter), this has turned out to be simply one of the coolest keyboards ever to set foot in the lab: the Junost-70 Polyphonic Electronic Instrument. (We’re just calling it the Soviet Organ.)

Bringing with it a very strong smell of cigars and hot transformers, it’s a Russian transistor-based electric organ dating from half a century ago – back when Cold War tensions were running high (and Soviet dissidents were running from armed men with dogs). The rather fetching pearlescent body came in various eyecatching colours – ours is a natty salmon pink, though we’ve given you a turquoise version in the UI – and is dominated by a bank of unmarked roller dials which do slightly inscrutable things: some vary the footages, one adds vibrato, one alters the balance between the sides of the keyboard, one signals the Kremlin via shortwave to report political unsoundness, etc.

Best of all, though, it comes in a flightcase into which are built four speakers, turning the case into a crude but effective portable sound-system to boost the output from the keyboard’s own built-in 8-inch speaker. We dithered about whether to buy the flightcase since it would have to be shipped from the former Soviet Union, and it weighed a ton (as does the steel-framed keyboard itself). We’re so glad we bothered. The body speaker is fantastically warm, compressed and slightly overdriven, but the flightcase speakers are just insane. They’re clearly basically broken – shredded by too many elbow glissandos is our guess, or maybe someone just fell into them at some point – and the sound they make is, in Mongo’s words, “utterly borked”. Played through the in-body speaker, the Junost sounds recognisably like an organ (although one in which “number of octave synthesis registers with smooth adjustment of the proportion of mixing”, as the Museum of Soviet Synthesisers puts it). Played through the flightcase set, it sounds like Armageddon.

有节奏的机器人苏联器官开播 |431 mb

独特的声音,从老式的苏联俄罗斯器官取样︰ borked,损坏和危险 !演讲者身体全范围取暖,眉刷打破飞行情况下扬声器添加额外坚韧不拔的污秽。上面的寄存器可切换经典八度行为和谐波间隔第五和主要第三,介绍 Vox 式音调的声音。

改造后可切换信封控件允许声音雕塑如果你愿意,或复古器官表示如果你不这样做。老式的颤音影响音调和声音很有机变化幅度。你将永远不会听到像这地方音。结果的购买上蒙哥的一部分 (他是吸引到任何前苏联更像喜鹊是吸引闪光),完整的冲动,这有原来是只是最酷的键盘过再踏进实验室之一︰ Junost 70 复调电子仪器。(我们只叫它苏联器官。)

随之而来的很强烈的气味的雪茄和热的变压器,它是俄罗斯基于晶体管的电器官可以追溯到半个世纪前 — — 回时正逢冷战形势紧张 (和苏联持不同政见者从武装男人与狗运行)。而取珠光身体各种醒目颜色 — — 我们是整洁的大马哈鱼的粉红色,虽然我们已经给你一个绿松石的版本在 UI 中 — — 进来,并且由一家银行的未标记的滚子表盘,做略有不可思议的事情︰ 一些不同的片段,一个添加颤音,一个改变键盘在双方之间的平衡,一个信号通过克里姆林宫短波报告政治不健全等。

最重要的是,虽然它进来,建立四个扬声器,案件变成简陋但有效便携式声音-体系提升从键盘的内置 8 寸喇叭输出 flightcase。我们犹豫不决要买 flightcase,因为它会被运到前苏联,和它重达一吨 (如同钢骨架的键盘本身)。我们很高兴我们困扰。身体扬声器是非常温暖,压缩和略过驱动,但 flightcase 扬声器都只是疯了。他们清楚基本上打破的 — — 粉碎了太多的弯头 glissandos 是我们的猜测,或也许有人只是陷入了他们在一些点 — — 和他们发出的声音是,蒙古人的话说,"完全 borked"。通过在身体扬声器播放,Junost 声音认为喜欢器官 (虽然你在哪"的倍频程合成寄存器数与混合比例的平稳调整",作为博物馆的苏联及其揄扬投入它)。通过 flightcase 集播放,它听起来像世界末日。