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Sam Spacey Epica Bass KONTAKT | 4.54 Gb

Sam Spacey, the producer behind the multi award-winning Epica, presents Epica Bass - a dedicated analog bass synth library obsessively sampled from a large collection of all star classic analog synths and modulars. No emulations or plugins were used in the recording of Epica Bass as Sam believes that to truly capture the saturated harmonically rich textures that true analog synthesis brings, you have to keep the recording chain as purely analog as the source synths themselves.


Analog Bass Library for Kontakt 5 or Kontakt Player (included).

430 Epic instruments built from 26,657 24bit mono samples (7Gb)

100% Analog Synthesisers used, no plugins or virtual synths.

Arp Odyssey mk3 (orig), Pro 1, CS-30, SEM, Oakley Modular, Future Retro, Matrix 6r, SH-1000 and Telemark modular.

Boutique hardware recording chain: UBK Fatso, Kush Elektra, Eventide H8000, DBX160XT, Neve Pre amp and several rare guitar pedals.

Multi Page Extensive Synthesis with dedicated functions per page to give you full editing power in a non-cluttered Interface.

Creatively inspiring yet extremely powerful 6 page interface gives you full control over your sound without slowing you down.

Multiple Round Robins utilised to eliminate machine gun effect as well as velocity sample groups.

Dedicated FX rack with full control utilising Native Instruments latest emulations of 1176 Compressor, SSL EQ along with Flanger, Chorus, Bit Crusher, Delay and Convolution Reverb (new convolutions).

Fully fledged Arpeggiator, FX Rack, 3 x LFO´s, Amp Env, Filter Env (6 Filters), Pitch Env, sample start modulation destinations, Pitch Drift, Portmento, Velocity modulations and more.

Unique sample start modulation gives control over the real analog filter source (6 analog modelled filters also included for use).

Sam 恍惚景程低音开播 |4.54 Gb



模拟的低音图书馆开播 5 或开播球员 (含税)。

430 史诗文书由 26,657 24 位单样本 (7 Gb)


Arp 奥德赛 mk3 (orig) 临 1,CS 30、 扫描电镜、 奥克利模块化、 未来复古、 矩阵 6r、 SH-1000年和位於泰勒马克模块。

精品硬件记录链︰ UBK 胖子,兴都库什埃莱克特拉,黄昏 H8000,DBX160XT,Neve预放大器和几个罕见的吉他踏板。


创造性地鼓舞人心但功能极其强大的 6 页界面让你完全控制你的声音而不会减慢你。


与完全控制利用本机文书最新仿真的 SSL 情商镶边、 合唱、 位破碎机、 延迟以及卷积混响 (新卷积) 1176年压缩机专用 FX 机架。

完全成熟琶音器、 FX 机架、 3 x LFO´s,Amp Env 过滤器 Env (6 过滤器),沥青 Env、 样品开始调制目的地,球场漂移,Portmento,速度调制和更多。

独特的样品开始调制使真实模拟滤波器源 (6 模拟模拟滤波器还包括用于) 控制。