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Toontrack EZX Post Rock Content and Grooves for EZdrummer 2 | 2.62 Gb

”Dramatic. A force of nature. Unpredictable and almost cinematic.” When asked how to put words to the term post-rock, these were the first that came to mind for Birgir Jón Birgisson and Arnar Gíslason, engineer and drummer behind the EZX with the same name. And there is likely no better setting to capture the very essence of just that than in Iceland’s Sundlaugin Studios. In an ever-shifting landscape chiseled from millions of years of volcanic lava, with a waterfall a stone’s throw away and with a glacier stream literally running beneath it, there it sits on the outskirts of Reykjavik. And if you look out the window at the scenic wonder where extremes on opposite ends of the scale fuse and melt together into something untamed, wild and unpredictable, it’s easy to understand why this is the ultimate backdrop for music with the very same dramaturgy. Welcome to possibly the world’s most comprehensive palette of drums tailored for post-rock – kits fit for anything from the most subtle, open soundscapes to explosive outbursts and crescendos.

Located in Reykjavik, Iceland, the Sundlaugin Studios is probably one of the world’s most remote professional recording facilities. It originally served as a bathhouse in the 1930s but later underwent a major acoustic conversion to Icelandic artist Sigur Rós’ personal high-end studio complex. The empty swimming pool with its perfectly balanced walls produce a bright but still warm and reverberant tone unlike any other room. In here, the best microphones, outboard and gear have captured the likes of Sólstafir, Jon Hopkins and Spiritualized as well as several of Sigur Rós’ own records. In addition to the four complete kits recorded using traditional drum sticks, this library includes felt mallet and brushed options as well as several extra snares, a large variety of cymbals and custom percussion pieces.

The Post-Rock EZX, combined with the powerful framework of EZdrummer 2, gives you an unparalleled creative palette to start painting your percussive soundscapes – from mellow to intense, from restrained to dramatic. Welcome to the ultimate collection of rich, deep and complexly textured drums that are allowed to breathe, seek and seep through to the forefront of your mix. Quality instruments, tailored for post-rock, but reaching way beyond any genre.


• Recorded at Sundlaugin Studios in Reykjavik, Iceland

• Four (4) complete kits sampled with sticks (Rogers, Tama, Yamaha and Sakae)

• One (1) complete kit sampled with brushes, felt mallets and a ”snares off” option (Sakae)

• Eleven (11) mix-ready presets engineered by Birgir Jón Birgisson, covering a wide range of styles and moods

• Six (6) custom percussion pieces

• Includes a selection of MIDI drum grooves performed by Arnar Gíslason

地狱 EZX 帖子岩石内容及槽 EZdrummer 2 |2.62 Gb

"戏剧性。自然的力量。不可预知,几乎电影。当问如何将单词放到期限后摇滚,这些都是来介意 Birgir Jón Birgisson 和滴 Gíslason,工程师的第一次和鼓手背后 EZX 具有相同的名称。而且还有可能没有更好地设置捕捉的只是,比在冰岛的 Sundlaugin 工作室精髓。在不断变化的景观,轮廓分明从数百万年的火山熔岩,与瀑布一箭之远,从字面上运行在它下面的冰川流,那里它坐落在郊区的雷克雅未克。如果你看看窗外的风景秀丽的奇迹,保险丝及融聚成东西难以驯服,野生和不可预知的规模两端极端,它很容易理解为什么这是非常相同的剧作艺术与音乐的终极背景。欢迎光临可能世界上最全面的调色板量身定做的鼓后岩石 — — 包适合任何从爆炸爆发和渐强最微妙、 开放的音景。

位于冰岛首都雷克雅未克 Sundlaugin 工作室可能是世界上最偏远的专业录音设施之一。它起初是作为一个澡堂在 1930 年代,但后来经历了重大声转换到冰岛艺术家流泪的个人高端工作室复杂。它完美平衡的墙壁在空游泳池内产生明亮但仍然温暖和混响的音调,不同于任何其他房间。在这里,最好的麦克风、 舷外发动机和齿轮已抓获喜欢的 Sólstafir,乔恩 · 霍普金斯和精神化以及几个流泪的记录。除了四个完整的资料包记录使用传统的鼓槌,此库包括毛毡的槌和拉丝的选项,以及几个额外的陷阱,繁多的铙钹和自定义的打击乐作品。

后岩石 EZX,EZdrummer 2,强有力的框架结合给你无与伦比的创意调色板,开始画你敲击的声音 — — 从醇厚的强烈,从受制于各种戏剧性。欢迎来到最终收集到的丰富,深并复杂纹理的鼓能够呼吸,寻求和渗透到您的混合的前列。质量仪器,针对后的岩石,但达到远远超出任何流派。


• 记录在 Sundlaugin 工作室在雷克雅未克,冰岛

• 四 4 完整套件采样用棍子 (罗杰斯、 多摩、 雅马哈和荣)

• 一个 1 完整套件采样用刷子、 毛毡木槌和"掉圈套"的选项 (荣)

• 十一 11 混合准备好预设工程由 Birgir Jón Birgisson,涵盖广泛的风格和情绪

• 六 6 自定义打击乐片

• 包括选择 MIDI 鼓槽由滴 Gíslason