Title: PhotoSerge – Masking And Extraction Master Class
Complete Training for masks and extraction in Photoshop!
This course will take you through ALL the methods of masking and extraction, from marque, lasso, magic wand, quickmasks, layer masks and even more.
This 3 hour in-depth course will teach you everything you need to know to make detailed selections for compositing or color correction. You will even learn a custom made method of selection that uses blending modes. If you want to know how to use masks and select things in high detail, this course is your answer!
This course includes 5 RAW files, 26 royalty free stock photos, and all the PSDs to follow along.
Length: 3 Hours 11 Minutes
Experience Level: Intermediate – Advanced
Required Software: Adobe Photoshop
标题︰ PhotoSerge-掩蔽和提取大师班
面具和在 Photoshop 中的提取完整的培训 !
本课程将带您通过掩蔽和提取,从品牌、 套索、 魔棒、 quickmasks、 图层蒙版和更多的所有方法。
这 3 小时深入的课程会教你一切你需要知道可以做出详细的选择,以便合成或颜色校正。甚至,您将学习使用混合模式的选择定制的方法。如果你想要知道如何使用口罩和选择在高细节的东西,这门课是你的答案 !
本课程包括 5 RAW 文件、 26 版税免费股票照片和所有月台幕门跟着。
长度︰ 3 小时 11 分钟
经验水平︰ 中间体 — — 先进
所需的软件︰ Adobe Photoshop