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Sample Logic Cyclone Retwisted KONTAKT | 3.01 GB

Сompletely re-engineered and re-imagined, CYCLONE RETWISTED is the next generation of Sample Logic's CYCLONE. Now equipped with Sample Logic's proprietary Step and FX Animator technology along with a new dual-voice additive synthesizer, CYCLONE RETWISTED is truly a one-stop shop for astounding, inspiring electronic sounds, and the ultimate sample synth solution for Kontakt.

This powerhouse virtual instrument contains over 475 brand new instruments and multis ranging from multi-layer motion pads and cinematic harmonic instruments to dubstep inspired basses, electronic hybrid leads, and experimental drum kits.

CYCLONE RETWISTED also includes the original award-winning CYCLONE 1.0 in its entirety, as well as the Glow Multi expansion pack, providing a grand total of 850+ instruments and multis. So whether you're on a tight deadline, in need of inspirational presets and production tools, or looking to dig deep and create your own twisted instruments, CYCLONE RETWISTED delivers amazing multi presets and instruments that are production ready and can be quickly customized for instant transformation.

Sickly Retwisted

Sample Logic has reinvented the user interface from the ground up! The core of CYCLONE RETWISTED is focused around the user interface and experience, providing the freedom to infinitely transform samples into awesome twisted evolving synths with enormous power. The interface still includes Sample Logic’s signature Triggers, Wave, and LFOs, and now rises to new heights with several added features such as: An expanded, dual-voice additive synthesis engine called "Wave" An easy to modulate and sequence multi-voice “Pitch” section A "Dual Filter Oscillator" for unprecedented rhythmic effects Sample Logic's proprietary Step Animator and FX Animator sequencers.

Double The Fun

CYCLONE 1.0 introduced Sample Logic's additive synthesis engine, "Wave," and now CYCLONE RETWISTED takes it to the next level with 41 wave shapes to choose from, and a dual-voice engine with independently-controllable volume envelopes, hi-cut filters, and FX animator engines. With this newly expanded, transposable wave section, waveforms can be added to the instrument’s overall sound, leading to endless customization and massive synths. In addition, each waveform volume can be sequenced via a Animators. Wave can be used in many ways, here are just a few examples: Add a sine wave transposed down a few octaves to add sub and thicken up a bass Sequence a wavetable volume to add a motion layer on top of a static pad Transpose a wave up a few octaves to add harmonics and make the overall instrument brighter Transpose a wave down a 5th to create harmonic instruments.

Technical Specifications:

Over 850 Retwisted Instruments and Multis (CYCLONE Retwisted includes all of CYCLONE 1.0 and the Glow Multi Pack)

2.89 GB sample library using Kontakt’s lossless sample storage compression

Requires Kontakt 5 Player (Free) or Retail version (sold separately) Version 5.4.1 or higher

Mac OS X 10.7, 10.8, or 10.9 (latest update), Intel Core Duo, 2 GB RAM (4GB recommended)

Windows 7/8 (latest Service Pack, 32/64 Bit), Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2, 2 GB RAM (4GB recommended)

2.89 GB free disk space for CYCLONE Retwisted sample content

1 GB free disk space for Kontakt 5 Player

示例逻辑旋风 Retwisted 开播 |3.01 GB

Сompletely 重新设计和重新想象,旋风 RETWISTED 是下一代的示例逻辑旋风。现在配备一个新的双发声添加剂合成样品逻辑专有步和 FX 动画技术,旋风 RETWISTED 是真正一站式商店令人震惊的鼓舞人心的电子声音和最终样品的单体溶液为开播。

厂房设计的虚拟仪器包含超过 475 品牌新的文书和尺度从多层运动垫和电影谐波文书到 dubstep 启发低音、 电子混合领导和实验的鼓包。

旋流器 RETWISTED 还包括原始的屡获殊荣旋风 1.0 中的全部内容,以及辉光多扩展包,提供总计 850 + 文书和尺度。所以无论你时间很紧,需要鼓舞人心的预设和生产工具,还是想要挖深一点,创建您自己扭曲的文书,旋风 RETWISTED 提供惊人的多预设和文书准备生产,可以快速自定义为瞬间转变。

体弱多病的 Retwisted

示例逻辑有重塑用户界面从地上起来 !旋流器 RETWISTED 的核心被围绕着用户界面和体验,提供自由无限将样品转化为令人敬畏扭曲演变合成与巨大的力量。该接口还包括示例逻辑签名触发器、 波和 LFOs,和现在上升到新的高度,与几个新增的功能如︰ 扩大、 双语音添加剂合成引擎被称为"波"容易调节和序列多声部"的定调"节"双重筛选器振荡器"为前所未有的节奏效果示例逻辑专有一步动画师和 FX 动画音序器。


旋风 1.0 介绍了示例逻辑加法合成引擎,"波",现在旋风 RETWISTED 就同 41 波形状可供选择下, 一级和双语音引擎与独立可控音量封套、 嗨切滤波器和 FX 动画引擎。与这一新的扩展,转座波剖面波形可以添加到该文书的整体声音,导致无休止的定制和大量合成器。此外,每个波形卷测序可以通过动画师。波可以用在很多方面,这里有几个例子︰ 添加调换下来几个八度音阶添加子和稠些低音序列波表卷添加一个静态的垫上运动层向上转置波正弦波几个八度音阶要添加谐波并使总体仪表亮转置波降 5 度音创建谐波的文书。


超过 850 Retwisted 文书和尺度 (旋风 Retwisted 包括所有旋风 1.0 和辉光多包)

使用开播的无损样品存储压缩的 2.89 GB 样本库

需要开播 5 播放器 (免费) 或零售版本 (单独出售) 5.4.1 版本或更高

Mac OS X 10.7、 10.8 或 10.9 (最新的更新),英特尔酷睿处理器,2GB 内存 (推荐 4 GB)

Windows 7/8 (最新 Service Pack,32/64 位),英特尔酷睿 2 双核处理器或 AMD 速龙64 X2,2 GB RAM (建议 4 GB)

旋风分离器 Retwisted 示例内容 2.89 GB 可用磁盘空间

开播 5 球员 1 GB 可用磁盘空间