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音效下载Wobblophones Harmonic Machinery KONTAKT的图片1

Wobblophones Harmonic Machinery KONTAKT | 755 Mb

Harmonic Machinery is built around samples of 3 unique hand-crafted instruments: Ferrophone, Sonoplotter and Blue Triangle. This metallic sound library contains two virtual instruments: Ferro and Nebulon Ferro, a match made in heaven. They both have powerful personalities that stand strong on their own, but their sounds can easily be welded together to form intricate sound design structures.


Ferro is a unique tool for creating original sound effects and cinematic sound textures. It can build a vivid atmosphere of dooms’ day, a hostile industrial world or a recurring nightmare. But it just as easily creates peaceful atmospheric pads and lush sound textures. Ferro can play up to 4 samples from the Harmonic Machinery collection simultaneously. It offers 2 LFOs for parameter modulation and a separate filter and overdrive section per sample. All this is topped off with an extra chain of effects on the instrument level. Possibilities are endless inside and outside of the box!

Nebulon Ferro

Nebulon Ferro is an advanced granular sample player. It is Ferro’s time-travel companion. Nebulon Ferro doesn’t play back samples conventionally like in Ferro, but splits them into small pieces called grains. Many grains can overlap to form complex clouds of sound. One sample can be enough for Nebulon Ferro to create a sound as big and rich as fully orchestrated music. With Nebulon Ferro you can steer the sound towards the darkness or light. And in either case, your soundscapes will sound like a captivating journey into an exciting world.


Ferrophone creates sound by slowly rotating two metal discs with motors, each disc touching the opposite one with a nail. It can scare you with its metallic, squeaky and mean sounds, but it can also touch you with clear, long ringing and harmonious sounds. An alternative way of playing is to bow the discs. That sounds quite different than bowing a cymbal as the two Ferrophone discs touch each other with the nails.


Sonoplotter is a true harmonic machine! It’s constructed around a suspended steel disc with 3 springs mounted in the body of the disc. To create sound with Sonoplotter a special rotating magnetic bow excites the springs (or disc). By varying the speed and position of the magnetic bow, beautiful and elaborate harmonious sounds can be drawn from Sonoplotter. It is great source for long evolving soundscapes.

Blue Triangle

Blue Triangle is the first instrument from our Spring instrument group. For Harmonic Machinery we carefully selected samples from playing Blue Triangle with a bow. When bowing Blue Triangle, a broad range of metallic sounds is covered, from high-scraping to something that we like to call scrapmetal-beasts. If you like Blue Triangle, it is also available as a separate instrument which focusses on Blue Triangle’s percussive side.

Wobblophones 谐波机械开播 |755 mb

谐波的机械围绕 3 独特手工制作文书的样品︰ Ferrophone、 Sonoplotter 和蓝色三角形。此金属的声音库包含两个虚拟仪器︰ 铁和 Nebulon 铁,天造地设。他们都有强大的个性那站坚强靠自己,但他们的声音可以容易地焊接在一起,形成错综复杂的声音设计结构。


铁是一个独特的工具,用于创建原始声音效果和电影声音的纹理。它可以构建一种生动的末日的一天,充满敌意的工业世界或恶梦气氛。但它很容易地创建和平大气垫和茂盛的声音纹理。铁可以同时发挥达 4 样品从谐波机械集合。它提供了参数调制和一个单独的筛选器和超速章节,每个样品 2 LFOs。这一切被圆满地结束对仪器水平影响额外链。可能性是无止境的内部和外部的框 !

Nebulon 铁

Nebulon 铁是先进的颗粒状样品的球员。它是铁的时间旅行伴侣。Nebulon 铁不弹回来样品常规地像在铁,但将它们拆分成小块叫做谷物。很多谷物可以重叠形成复杂云的声音。一个样本,就足以 Nebulon 铁打造的声音作为大和充分策划音乐一样富有。与 Nebulon 铁可以引导走向黑暗或光明的声音。在两种情况下,你的声音听起来又会进入令人兴奋的世界的迷人旅程。


Ferrophone 通过慢慢旋转两个金属圆盘与电机,触摸带钉的对面那个每个光盘创建声音。它可以让你害怕其金属、 吱吱作响、 平均的声音,但它也可以触摸你与明确、长振铃和和谐的声音。另一种方式玩是鞠躬的光盘。那听起来比鞠躬钹,作为两个 Ferrophone 光盘用指甲触碰彼此完全不同。


Sonoplotter 是一个真正的谐波机器 !它是用 3 弹簧安装在光盘的身体围绕悬浮的钢盘。创建声音与 Sonoplotter 的特别旋转磁弓兴奋的弹簧 (或光盘)。通过改变的速度和位置的磁弓,美丽和精致和谐声音可以来自 Sonoplotter。它是伟大的来源,长的演变音景。

