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Beta Monkey Music Rock Hard Funk II WAV AiFF | 1.32 Gb

Beta Monkey Music's Rock Hard Funk II, brings another round of funk and funk-rock drum loops and samples to the Beta Monkey library of groove solutions. With 400 live acoustic grooves to inspire any songwriter looking for a strong rhythmic foundation, this collection takes the attitude of rock and pop and infuses it with the groove-centric vibe of funk. Add a drum sound perfect for today's mixes and you've got the perfect drum track solution.

Scale down the drum set to its essentials and mix in equal parts of rock, pop, funk - the perfect recipe for bringing some rhythmic emotion emotion to your songwriting. Fresh and modern yet with a clear eye on the roots of funk and rock, Rock Hard Funk II will bring all the grooves you expect as well as ones that defy categorization. Solid grooves for rock and pop, syncopated grooves for RnB and funk, Rock Hard Funk II brings a signature blend of drumming straight from Los Angeles to your studio.

A wide variety of tempos and feels offer songwriters a quick and easy way to to build funk rock, RnB flavored, or pop rock tracks that feel right and sound great. We also recorded the beautiful sounds of a maple Yamaha Phoenix acoustic drumkit, capturing all the rhythmic voices to complement the loops. This matching set of drum and cymbal samples allow greater flexibility in drum track construction, whether you're adding samples for additional flavor or using them in your favorite software to sequence new and fresh beats.

Beta 猴子音乐摇滚硬放克 II WAV AiFF |1.32 Gb

Beta 猴子音乐岩石硬放克 II,带来另一轮恐慌和放克摇滚循环鼓和样品 Beta 猴子图书馆中的槽的解决方案。400 活的声槽激发任何词曲作者寻找强大的节奏基础,此集合摇滚乐和流行乐的态度,并将其注入与放克槽中心氛围。添加适合今天的混合的鼓音和你有完美的鼓跟踪解决方案。

缩减至其本质的套鼓和混合在相等的零件的摇滚,流行,funk-使你的创作一些节奏情绪情感的完美配方。新和现代的但与清澈的眸子,根上的放克和岩石,岩石坚硬的放克 II 将带来你期望以及那些违抗分类的所有槽。固体槽摇滚乐和流行乐,切分音的槽RnB 和放克,岩石坚硬的放克 II 带来签名混合的鼓乐直从洛杉矶到你的工作室。

种类繁多的节奏和感觉提供的词曲作者快速简便的方式,为打造 RnB 味,放克摇滚或流行摇滚曲目,感觉不对,而且声音很大。我们亦录得优美动听的枫叶雅马哈凤凰声鼓,捕获所有的有节奏的声音来补充循环。这套相配的鼓和钹样本更大的灵活性在鼓轨道施工,无论您在添加额外风味的样品或使用它们在您最喜爱的软件序列新和新鲜跳动。