Title: Ctrl+Paint – Digital Sketching Starter Kit
Creating your concept art portfolio is daunting. For many, knowing where to start is the hardest part. Slowly ramping up the difficulty, the bundle starts with an overview of shape and design – and ends with an assignment to create your own fake game world.
As a concept artist in the game industry, I’ve seen both sides: the confusing challenge of being a beginner, and the daily work-life in a studio. Making your way as a beginner is hard. This bundle is my attempt to guide your journey and provide useful tips. Unlike other videos in the store, it’s not primarily about technique – instead we focus on ‘where ideas come from’ and how to turn them into final art. Many assignments are included, so prepare for hard work ahead. Have fun designing!
Runtime: 372 minutes (Digital Download) Includes:
Design Basics (Series)
Design Basics 2: Shape (Series)
Boss Monster (Portfolio Builder Series)
House Design (Portfolio Builder Series)
Game Icons (Portfolio Builder Series)
World Design (Portfolio Builder Series)
Associated images, .PSDs, and everything you need to follow along with the videos
标题︰ Ctrl + 油漆 — — 数字素描初学者工具包
创建你的概念艺术投资组合令人生畏。对于许多人来说,知道从哪里开始是最难的部分。 慢慢地加大难度,束的形状和设计 — — 概述开始和结束与赋值来创建您自己假的游戏世界。
作为一个概念艺术家在游戏行业中,见过两面︰ 作为一个初学者和日常工作生活的一个摄影棚里的混乱挑战。 让您的方式作为一个初学者很难。这种捆绑是我试图引导你的旅程并提供有用的技巧。 不同于其他存储区中的视频,它不是主要技术 — — 相反我们专注于 '的想法从哪里来',以及如何把它们变成最后的艺术。 许多任务都包括在内,所以准备拼搏进取。 有有趣的设计 !
运行时︰ 372 分钟 (数字下载) 包括︰
设计基础 (系列)
设计基础 2︰ 形状 (系列)
老板的怪物 (组合生成器系列)
房子设计 (组合生成器系列)
游戏图标 (组合生成器系列)
世界设计 (组合生成器系列)