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Beta Monkey Music Jazz Essentials III WAV AiFF | 1.43 Gb

Pure. Live. Traditional. Jazz Essentials III offers multi-track jazz drum tracks performed as complete takes. With three jazz standards as the musical focus, users can choose from multiple performance takes for different interpretations to the song forms. A versatile collection of live jazz drum tracks with complete control over the mix, Jazz Essentials III will give jazz artists pure inspiration to write new music or to practice riffing off the feel, taste, and sensibility of a seasoned New York City jazz drummer.

Jazz Essentials III delivers 3.3 GB of live jazz drum tracks, performed as three common jazz standard song forms. Each song form offers multiple takes with sticks and brushes, providing different interpretations of the music. The following song forms are included in Jazz Essentials III:

Jazz Standard 01 - 170 BPM 12 Bar Swing: 12 bar blues form. 4:00 minutes. Six (6) takes, two (2) with brushes.

Jazz Standard 02 - 155 BPM 32 Bar Swing: 32 bar AABA form. 4:30 minutes.Six (6) takes, two (2) with brushes.

Jazz Standard 03 - 135 BPM 32 Bar Bossa: AABA form. 4:30 minutes.Three (3) takes, all using sticks.

The driving idea behind Jazz Essentials III was to capture a gigging kit that has seen a lot of time on countless club dates. A tight 18” kick drum was chosen for the task. It had the right amount of attack and low end to serve these jazz tracks best. Ride cymbals were carefully selected from an arsenal of tried and true jazz cymbals. Big cymbals, dry cymbals, bright cymbals, dark cymbals. Whatever seemed to serve the music best was selected. We're confident you'll be able to get a great mix with minimal effort if you're after a truly intimate club date jazz vibe.

Beta 猴子音乐爵士乐要点三 WAV AiFF |1.43 Gb

纯。生活。传统。爵士乐的要点三提供多轨爵士鼓轨道执行作为完整的需要。以音乐为主的三个爵士乐标准,用户可以选择从多个性能不同的解释歌曲形式。活的爵士鼓多才多艺收集跟踪与混合的完全控制权,爵士乐要点三会给爵士乐艺术家纯灵感写新音乐或练习弹奏的感觉、 味道和经验丰富的纽约城爵士乐鼓手的敏感性。

爵士乐的要点三提供 3.3 GB 的现场爵士鼓轨道,作为三个常见的爵士乐标准歌形式执行。每一首歌形式提供多个需要用棍棒和画笔,提供的音乐不同的解释。以下的歌曲形式包括在爵士乐要点三︰

爵士乐标准 01-170 BPM 12 栏摇摆︰ 12 酒吧蓝调形式。4:00 分钟。六 6 拿,两个2 用刷子。

爵士乐标准 02-155 BPM 32 杆摆动︰ 32 酒吧 AABA 形式。4:30 分钟。六 6 拿,两个 2 用刷子。

03-135 BPM 32 栏 Bossa 爵士乐标准︰ AABA 形式。4:30 分钟。三 3 需要,所有使用棍棒。

爵士乐要点三背后的驾驶理念是捕获一个 gigging 的工具包,在无数俱乐部日期已看到了很多时间。紧 18"踢鼓被选为该任务。它有适量的攻击和低端服务这些爵士乐曲目最好。骑钹都经过精心挑选从阿森纳久经考验的爵士乐钹。大钹,干钹,明亮钹,黑暗钹。无论似乎服务最好所选的音乐。我们相信您一定会能够得到伟大的组合与最小的努力,如果你以后真正亲密俱乐部日期爵士乐盛传。