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Gothic Instruments Dronar Hybrid Module KONTAKT | 7.31 Gb

DRONAR Hybrid Module makes it astonishingly easy to create rich, dramatic, complex and evolving atmospheres with a set of controls designed to invite deep exploration, expression and discovery. Incredibly innovative and addictive, there is nothing quite like DRONAR for offering so much live expression control - it will change the way you create atmospheric sounds.

DRONAR is a deep, expressive and innovative atmospheric sound creator. This first module in the series - The Hybrid Module – creates deep, grainy cutting-edge, evolving cinematic and sci-fi atmospheres with 300 inspiring presets. Future modules will explore different areas of sound and music, and owners of the Hybrid Module will be able to purchase them for less.

Uniquely, DRONAR creates complex atmospheres from a very small number of notes played (1 to 4 recommended). It spreads out the chord in the mid-range, adds a root bass note, a high note and then adds evolving sound effects. 8 simultaneous different sounds are then animated with LFOs and arpeggiators to bring them to life. The result is rich and dramatic.

All this complexity from a few fingers on one hand frees up your other hand to expressively control the dials with mouse drags or external MIDI controller knobs, and record the changes as a performance in your DAW. Subtle dial movements give instant and deep expression, ideal for soundtracks as well as highly expressive cinematic pads in any genre.

Because DRONAR instantly adds low, mid-range and high sounds plus sound effects, you barely need other sounds to quickly create a complete piece of atmospheric, expressive music. Needing to only play a few notes and move a few dials to get such rich expression is obviously inviting for beginners, but an expert will get much further by knowing what notes to play and how to express emotions using the dials.


- Create a massive universe of sound from a single chord

- Incredibly simple, shimmering interface

- Massive control from 6 powerful dials

- Hold a few notes with one hand and turn the expressive dials with the other

- Vast potential to create amazing, complex atmospheric sounds and expressively perform them

- 300 powerful presets

- 16GB of audio compressed down to 8GB

- Audio by Hollywood trailer sound designer Alessandro Camnasio (Mad Max, Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them)

- Expressive live strings performed by players from the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra

- Below the surface, DRONAR is a vast modular multi-timbral synth/sampler with multiple independent arpeggiators.

- Record all your dial movements as DAW automation

- Works beautifully with external MIDI controllers

哥特式的文书 Dronar 混合模块开播 |7.31 Gb

DRONAR 混合模块容易令人惊讶地创建丰富的、 戏剧性的、 复杂和不断变化的大气与一组控件旨在邀请深部勘探、 表达和发现。令人难以置信的创新和令人上瘾,还有没有什么很喜欢 DRONAR 提供这么多的活表达控制-它将改变您创建大气声音的方式。

DRONAR 是一个深、 表现力、 创新大气声音创造者。这第一个模块系列-混合模块— — 在创建深,粒状尖端,300 鼓舞人心的预设与演化电影和科幻的大气。未来模块将探讨不同领域的声音和音乐,和业主的混合动力模块将能够购买他们为少。

独特的是,DRONAR 从极少数的音符演奏 (1 到 4 建议) 创建复杂的环境。它展开在中档弦、 添加根低音音符,高的注意,然后添加不断变化的声音效果。8 同时不同的声音然后与 LFOs 和 arpeggiators,给生活带来他们制成动画。其结果是丰富和戏剧性。

所有这种复杂性从一只手上的几个手指腾出另一只手意味深长地控制用鼠标拖动或外部 MIDI 控制器旋钮,表盘和作为在你 DAW 表现记录所做的更改。微妙的拨号动作给即时和深表达,电影配乐,以及极具表现力的电影垫在任何类型的理想选择。

因为 DRONAR 立即将添加低、 中档和高声音加上声音效果,你几乎不需要其他声音来快速创建一首完整的大气、 富有表现力的音乐。需要只玩几个音符和移动几个表盘致富这样表达明显邀请对于初学者来说,但专家将更进一步知道什么注意发挥以及如何表达情绪使用拨号盘。




-大规模控制从 6 强大拨打



-300 强大预设

-16 GB 的音频压缩到 8 GB

-由好莱坞预告片声音设计师亚历山德罗 · 卡姆纳西奥 (疯狂的麦克斯,梦幻般的野兽和在哪里到找到他们) 音频


-在表面之下,DRONAR 是广大模块化多音色合成器/采样器与多个独立的 arpeggiators。

-记录你所有的拨号动作作为 DAW 自动化

-精美与外部的 MIDI 控制器的作品