CG数据库 >> Photoshop游戏原画教程


Concept Design Workshop – Visual Development for Games Vol 1 & 2


Title: Concept Design Workshop – Visual Development for Games Vol 1 & 2


In this lecture Terry will show how to design a character and define a visual look for a game. Terry will show his process from creating thumbnails and initial ideas right through to final linework and blocking in turn arounds. Topics coverd include, Drawing, Photoshop Brush set-up, Colour Thumbnails and Design Theory. In this lecture you will have the unique opportuninty to watch Terry discuss many principles that concept artist’s need to learn and master to take their work to next level.


In this lecture Terry will show how to design and render a character and also design props for the character. Terry will show his process for rendering in Photoshop.Topics covered include, Drawing, Photoshop Brush set-up, Colour Theory and Design Theory. In this lecture you will have the unique opportunity to watch Terry discuss many principles that concept artist’s need to learn and master to take their work to next level.

概念设计工作坊 — — 视觉发展为游戏 Vol 1 & 2


标题︰ 概念设计工作坊 — — 视觉发展为游戏 Vol 1 & 2

第 1 卷

这堂课里特里将显示如何设计一个字符和定义为一个游戏的视觉外观。特里将显示他从创建缩略图和最初的想法通过权最后拼版和反过来阻止围绕运转的过程。主题覆盖包括,图纸,Photoshop 笔刷设置,缩略图的颜色和设计理论。这堂课里你会有独特的 opportuninty 看特里讨论的许多原则,概念艺术家需要学习和掌握对下一级采取他们的工作。

第 2 卷

在这次讲座特里将展示如何设计并呈现一个字符,也设计道具的字符。特里将显示他的过程,因为在 Photoshop.Topics 中的呈现涵盖包括,图纸,Photoshop 笔刷设置,色彩理论和设计理论。这堂课里你会有独特的机会去看特里讨论的许多原则,概念艺术家需要学习和掌握对下一级采取他们的工作。