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CineSamples CineStrings Solo KONTAKT | 46.4 Gb

CineStrings SOLO is a deeply sampled solo strings virtual instrument recorded at the world famous MGM Scoring Stage at Sony Pictures Studios in Los Angeles. The patches contain some of the most realistic True Legato ever created for soloistic string writing.

CineStrings SOLO was recorded at the world famous MGM Scoring Stage at Sony Pictures Studios in Los Angeles. Recorded and mixed by veteran legend Dennis Sands, the CineStrings SOLO Library enhances our essential CORE collection with masterful performances and recordings of some of the greatest LA scoring musicians. This collection will function as an exceptional cinematic voice of its own in your sound palette. An expressly composer-friendly solo string library, CineStrings SOLO is intuitive, versatile and complements its predecessors beautifully in both usability and sound.

As with all CineSymphony libraries, the CineStrings SOLO library does not require you to purchase any additional sample playback software, and is licensed to work with the Native Instrument’s free Kontakt Player. All you need is a sequencer like Logic, Cubase, Digital Performer, LIVE, Pro Tools, Cakewalk, or even Apple GarageBand and you’ll be up and running. You can also use CineStrings SOLO with your favorite notation software such as Sibelius or Finale.

Intuitive Graphic Interface

Cinestrings SOLO, as with our other “Cine” series libraries, has a very intuitive and easy to use graphic interface with quickly selectable presets that can help you write, program and mix. You can tailor these settings to your specific practices. The Mapping page can quickly set you up for velocity, key-switching or MIDI continuous controller (CC) articulation switching. Our Mixer page allows you to quickly access our Full mix or the three other microphone positions. The Settings page allows for advanced control over each of these patches for sound design, programming and other useful features.

CineStrings SOLO features deeply sampled solo patches for:

Violin 1

Violin 2




Articulations include:

Standard and Espressivo sustains with smooth dynamics

Standard and Espressivo seamless legatos

Spiccato @ 5-6xRR @ p through f

Staccato @ 2-4xRR @ p through f

Marcato @ 2-3xRR

Pizzicato @ 5xRR @ p through f

Extra Articulations include:

Violin 1, Violin 2, Viola - Short Spiccato @ 5xRR

Violin 2, Viola, Bass - Bartok Pizzicato @ 3xRR

Violin 1, Violin 2, Viola - Tremolos @ p to f

cinesamples cinestrings只有46(4)的方法| GB的进程

只有深深的cinestrings strings is a虚拟采样仪器只有在记忆世界著名的索尼影业MGM评分实习在工作室在洛杉矶。补丁contain some of the most the true for soloistic created过现实与字符串的写作。

只有在我记忆cinestrings世界著名的索尼影业MGM评分实习在工作室在洛杉矶。记忆模式和混合砂veteran传奇丹尼斯,这只是我们的图书馆enhances cinestrings the collection with masterful核性能和recordings of some of the Greatest musicians的评分。this function as an外cinematic collection将自己的声音的声音在你的托盘。安expressly composer友好只是字符串库,只有直觉和cinestrings是多才多艺的,都在其complements predecessors beautifully usability和声音。

在cinesymphony as with the Library图书馆cinestrings does not,只要求你购买任何额外的样品和播放软件的工作,是与本地instrument'执照无播放器的进程。所有你需要的是像Cubase音序器,数字逻辑,表演者,Live,工具的专业,或是cakewalk,苹果GarageBand和你启动和运行。你可以使用你喜欢cinestrings也只有这样as西贝柳斯或最后位置的软件。


我们只cinestrings,AS与其他图书馆的“中国”系列,有很直观的图形界面和使用方便的与可选择的预置,可以帮助你快写,和混合计划。你可以实践这些settings to your裁缝的特异性。你可以在主页上集映射为速度快,关键开关或连续articulation MIDI控制器(CC)的开关。我们的主页你allows混合器混合or the quickly接入我们的全三维刚性其他位置。the settings page for each of Advanced调控allows过这些补丁for音响设计,编程和其他有用的功能。










断续通6xrr @ @ 5 F - P

4xrr @ @ 2断开通过F - P

3xrr标记@ 2

一5xrr P F @ @捏



2小提琴的拨奏,紫色,巴托克@ 3xrr低音

小提琴,小提琴,1,2,tremolos @ F - P -紫色