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Big Fish Audio World Violins: East to West MULTiFORMAT | 2.48 Gb

World Violins: East to West captures the heart and soul of violin from around the globe. Including influences that range from South Asia to the traditional West, this library has been beautifully recorded with both acoustic and electric violins, bringing diversity and clarity to an already impressive set of melodies.

Consistent recording methods ensure that mixing and matching samples will be as quick and easy as a drag and drop. World Violins also features full formatting in Apple Loops, REX, and Acidized WAV, which allows time stretching and pitch bending across the board, and is usable in virtually every piece of software and hardware available on the market today.

Each audio file has been expertly cut and edited to loop perfectly, and has been recorded in the highest quality 24-bit rate to ensure absolutely top notch results. If you work primarily with Apple products, be sure to utilize the extra loop tagging functionality in Garageband and Apple Logic as well as Apple's proprietary time stretching and pitch bending algorithms.

If you're working inside Protools, Cubase, Fruity Loops, Ableton Live, Sony ACID, or any other DAW on the market, the Acidized WAV files are the perfect fit for time stretching and pitch bending capabilities. The Acidized WAV files can also be used as standard WAV files in almost any music tool in production today. Beat-makers and artists who love sampled melodic slices can take advantage of our REX/RMX format that utilizes all the powerful programming found in Stylus RMX and the Dr. Octo REX player in Propellerheads Reason.

大鱼音频世界小提琴:东到西格式| 2.48 GB




如果你工作在ProTools,Cubase,果味循环,Ableton Live、索尼酸,或任何其他DAW市场上,酸化的wav文件的时间拉伸和弯曲性能的完美音调。酸化的WAV文件也可作为生产几乎任何音乐工具标准的WAV文件的今天。打者和艺术家谁爱采样旋律片可以利用我们的雷克斯/爱的格式,利用所有强大的编程中RMX笔发现在propellerheads原因奥克多雷克斯球员。