CG数据库 >> 音效下载Realivox Ladies 2.1 KONTAKT

音效下载Realivox Ladies 2.1 KONTAKT的图片1

Realivox Ladies 2.1 KONTAKT | 8.18 Gb

Finally! A vocal sample library you can play on your keyboard that sounds smooth and real. Whether for pop or film scoring, leads or background vocals, Realivox gives you top session singers at your fingertips.

Maybe all you want is to do some background oo’s and ah’s. Then the Lite version is for you! Same features as the full version, but with only the oo, ah, oh, and uh articulations. Oh, and we figured you wouldn’t need our operatic diva, Teresa, for your pop oo’s and ah’s, so you won’t find her in this set. (And yes, you can always upgrade later for the difference in price. Cuz we cool like dat.) You can have up to 10 voices, all in a single instance, all on the main interface. You can even mix and match singers. Creating choirs or even basic solo doubles or triples was never easier!

This upgrade was expensive to make. All the singers had to come back, since we almost doubled the number of articulations, plus added ending consonants. Plus the editing, which took months. And don’t even get me started on how much time it took to do the coding of all the new features. On the other hand … we really love our Ladies customers. Seriously, you guys were with me from the start and that really means a lot. So we decided to make the upgrade fee as painless as possible. Is “free” painless enough for you? If you’re an existing Ladies customer, you should be getting an email with links to new content by the end of this week. (We have to do this manually, so it takes some time.) If you need this sooner, shoot me an email and I’ll bump you to the top.

Five individual singers:

Cheryl – Airy and pretty – perfect for ethereal film cues

Teresa – Soprano opera diva

Patty – Pop or Ethnic

Julie – Full range

Toni – Smooth R’n B

True sampled legato!

Polyphonic legato! (new in v 2.0!)

Variable speed legato! (new in v 2.0!)

Now with 58 multisampled articulations!

That’s almost double the number from version 1!

Oo, Ah, Eh, Ee, Oh, Uh, Mm

Bah, Bee, Boh, Boo, Buh

Dah, Dee, Doh, Doo, Duh

Fa, La, Rey

Hey, Ha, Ho, Hoo

Kah, Kee, Koh, Koo

Mah, Mee, Moh, Moo

Sah, See, Soh, Soo

Shah, She, Show, Shoo

Tah, Tee, Toh, Too

Wah, Way, Wee, Whoa

Yah, Yeah, Yoh, You

Boom, Bom, Bop, Bow, Bah Fall

Realivox 女士 2.1 开播 |8.18 Gb

最后 !你可以发挥你听起来光滑和真正的键盘的声音样本库。是否流行音乐或电影配乐,潜在顾客或背景人声,Realivox 给你最大的会话歌手在您的指尖。

也许你想要做一些背景 oo 的就是和啊的。然后 Lite 版本是为你 !相同功能的完整版本,但只面向对象,啊,哦,而且关节。哦,我们也觉得你就不需要我们的歌剧女主角,特蕾莎修女,为你流行 oo 和啊的所以你找不到她这一套。(和是的你可以随时升级以后的价格差异。因为我们酷像数据)您可以向 10 的声音,所有的单个实例,所有主界面上。你甚至可以混合和匹配的歌手。创建唱诗班或甚至基本的独奏双打或三元组是永远不会更容易 !



谢丽尔 — — 艾里和漂亮 — — 完美的空灵电影线索

特蕾莎修女 — — 女高音歌剧首席女主角

帕蒂 — — 流行音乐或种族


托尼 — — 光滑甜蜜 B

真正的采样连奏 !

复调 legato !(新的 v 2.0 !)

变速 legato !(新的 v 2.0 !)

现在与 58 的多级表达 !

这是从版本 1 人数几乎增加一倍 !



大昌贸易行、 迪、 卫生署、 斗,多新鲜啊


嘿,哈哈,何、 胡汉清

辜 Kah Kee,岛




Tah、 三通、 Toh,太


