CG数据库 >> 音效下载Pro Sound Effects Library Chicago Ambisonics WAV

音效下载Pro Sound Effects Library Chicago Ambisonics WAV的图片1

Pro Sound Effects Library Chicago Ambisonics WAV | 12.4 Gb

Chicago Ambisonics is a library of B-format city ambiences with "virtual microphone" software. Included software allows users to tweak perspective in real time for greater control and creativity. The Ambisonics format offers versatile use of the library, as the recordings can be decoded to mono, stereo, 5.1, 7.1 and beyond. The creative possibilities are endless!

Featuring 35 high-quality urban ambiences (over 3 hours total) , Chicago Ambisonics includes SurroundZone2 software by TSL Products that allows you to point “virtual microphones” any direction with a wide range of polar patterns. Unparalleled flexibility lets users match backgrounds with the specific setting of any scene.

With more productions filming in Chicago than ever before, a Chicago sound effects library is an asset for any sound editor. Chicago Ambisonics features 24-bit/96 kHz city atmospheres captured all over Chicago including recordings from from Magnificent Mile, Chinatown, the L Train, West Loop, Kennedy Expressway, O'Hare International Airport, Lake View, & Wrigley Field.

This library is also perfect for 3D Audio applications including VR experiences and 360º video - prepare your sound effects library for the future of immersive media! Pre-rendered stereo versions of all of the recordings are included as well.


35 pristine recordings in B-Format & Stereo (14GB)

View PDF tracklisting

Over 3 hours of immersive Chicago ambiences

Average recording length of 6 minutes

Diverse Chicago atmospheres: Including streets, parks, & subways

24-bit/96kHz broadcast .wav files: Download or flash drive delivery (+$40)

SurroundZone2 software by TSL Products: Gives you full control over “virtual microphone” position and polar patterns

100% Royalty-Free

专业音响影响图书馆芝加哥 Ambisonics WAV |12.4 Gb

芝加哥 Ambisonics 是 B 格式城市气息与"虚拟麦克风"软件库。附带的软件允许用户调整角度实时的更大控制力和创造力。Ambisonics 格式提供多功能使用的库,如录音可以到单声道、 立体声解码 5.1、 7.1 和超越。创造性的可能性是无止境的 !

芝加哥 Ambisonics 特色 35 高质量城市气息 (共超过 3 小时),包括 SurroundZone2 软件允许你指向"虚拟麦克风"任何方向与极性模式的种类繁多的 TSL 产品。无与伦比的灵活性可以让用户背景搭配任何场景的特定设置。

芝加哥音效库拥有在芝加哥拍摄比以往更多的生产,是资产的任何声音的编辑器。芝加哥 Ambisonics 功能捕获所有在芝加哥包括录音从壮丽大道、 唐人街、 L 火车、西环路、 肯尼迪高速公路,奥黑尔国际机场、 湖景,& 瑞格利球场的 24-位/96 kHz市大气。

这个图书馆也是完美的 3D 音频应用,包括虚拟现实经验和 360 度视频-您的音效库准备沉浸式媒体的未来 !预渲染立体版本的所有录音也被包括。


35 原始录音 B 格式 & 立体声 (14 GB)

查看 PDF 专辑曲目

超过 3 小时的身临其境的芝加哥气息

平均记录长度为 6 分钟

不同的芝加哥气氛︰ 包括街道、 公园与地铁

24 位/96 kHz 播放.wav 文件︰ 下载或闪存驱动器提供 (+ $40)

SurroundZone2 软件由 TSL 产品︰ 可以让你完全控制"虚拟麦克风"位置和极性模式
