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Pro Sound Effects Library NYC Ambisonics WAV | 27.4 Gb

Produced and recorded by Pro Sound Effects, NYC Ambisonics is a library of New York City ambiences recorded with a SoundField microphone. The Ambisonics format allows sound editors and mixers to tweak “virtual microphones” in real time with included software from TSL Products. This means the Ambisonics recordings can be decoded to mono, stereo, 5.1, 7.1 and beyond. The creative possibilities are endless!

NYC Ambisonics features 53 high-quality B-format ambiences (nearly 7 hours total) and is bundled with SurroundZone2, software that allows you to point “virtual microphones” in any direction with a wide range of polar patterns. The library features 24-bit/96kHz Ambisonics recordings from all over New York City, including Brooklyn, Queens, and Manhattan. Pre-rendered stereo versions of all of the recordings are also included. In addition to giving sound editors and mixers greater flexibility and control over the recordings, NYC Ambisonics is also perfect for 3D Audio applications including VR and 360º video.


53 pristine Ambisonic recordings in B-Format and Stereo (40+ GB)

Nearly 7 hours of NYC Ambiences

24-bit/96kHz broadcast .wav files. Choose between download or flash drive delivery

SurroundZone2 Software - Gives you full control over “virtual microphone” position and polar patterns

Wide Range of NYC Ambiences: Including streets, parks, & subways

专业音响影响图书馆纽约 Ambisonics WAV |27.4 Gb

制作并录制由临音效,纽约 Ambisonics 是纽约城气息与声场麦克风记录库。Ambisonics 格式允许声音编辑和混频器与从 TSL 产品附带的软件实时调整"虚拟麦克风"。这意味着 Ambisonics 录音可以解码为单声道、 立体声,5.1,7.1 和超越。创造性的可能性是无止境的 !

纽约 Ambisonics 53 高质量 B 格式气息 (近 7 个小时总数) 的特点和与 SurroundZone2,允许你指向"虚拟麦克风"在任何方向与极性模式的种类繁多的软件捆绑在一起。图书馆设有 24 位/96 kHz Ambisonics 录音从各地纽约城,包括布鲁克林、 皇后区、 曼哈顿。预渲染立体版本的所有录音也是包括的。除了给声音编辑和混频器更大的灵活性和控制权的录音,纽约 Ambisonics 也是完美的 3D 音频应用,包括虚拟现实和 360 度视频。


53 B 格式和立体声的原始 Ambisonic 录音 (40 + GB)

近 7 个小时的纽约气息

24 位/96 kHz 播放.wav 文件。下载或闪存驱动器交付之间选择

SurroundZone2 软件-让您完全控制"虚拟麦克风"位置和极性模式

纽约气息宽范围︰ 包括街道、 公园与地铁