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音效下载Prime Loops Martin Eyerer Deep Tech Tools WAV KONTAKT的图片1

Prime Loops Martin Eyerer Deep Tech Tools WAV KONTAKT | 703 Mb

Prime Loops are honored to bring you Martin Eyerer: Deep Tech Tools, the brand new collaboration between London's most dedicated sample pack producers and Berlin's very own architect of chart dominating Deep Tech.

Martin’s very first official signature sound library comes in shape of a staggering 1.12GB Producer Tool Kit, stuffed to the brim with meticulously crafted high-quality one-shot samples and precision cut loops, plus a complimentary selection of custom built Kontakt Instruments.

All of the sounds included in this download have been lovingly recorded, edited and mixed through Martin’s refurbished Amek M 3000 Console, a classic desk which was previously used by no-one less but Pink Floyd. Martin Eyerer has been shaking up the airwaves for quite some time now, reaching Gold status in the UK and Australia, as well as a Billboard Top 3 hit in the US.

Over the past few years Martin and his 2 partners have been busy setting up Berlin's Number 1 Studio Complex with 40 renowned artists and producers, also known as Riverside Studios. Just a stone’s throw away from 3 of Berlin’s most eminent venues [Berghain, Tresor & Watergate] Martin’s world-renowned creative hub is based right in heart of Berlin’s infamous club triangle!


126 x Drum Loops

48 x Bass Loops

33 x Synth Loops

41 x Vocal Loops

38 x Vocal Hits

5 x Kontakt Instruments (Full version fo Kontakt required)

397 x Drum One Shots

16 x FX Loops & Hits


主要循环马丁 Eyerer 深科技工具 WAV 开播 |703 mb

主要循环很荣幸为您带来马丁 Eyerer︰ 深科技工具,伦敦最专用的样品包生产者和柏林的很自己建筑师的图表支配深科技的全新合作。

马丁的第一次正式签名声库进来形状的惊人的 1.12 GB 生产者工具包,塞得满满当当精心制作的高质量一次性样品和精密切割循环,再加上自定义构建开播文书免费选择。

亲切地记录了所有包含在此下载的声音,编辑和混合通过马丁的翻新锐博 M 3000 控制台,经典的桌子,曾是由无人少但 Pink Floyd。马丁 Eyerer 一直在发抖广播相当一些时间,到达在英国和澳大利亚,以及在美国打的广告牌顶部 3 黄金状态。

近几年马丁和他 2 个合作伙伴一直忙着建立柏林的数目 1 工作室复杂与 40 的著名艺术家和生产者,也被称为河畔工作室。3 柏林的最杰出的场地 [Berghain,Tresor &水门事件] 马丁世界知名创意集线器只是几步之遥基于权利在柏林的臭名昭著的俱乐部三角形的心 !


126 x 循环鼓

48 x 低音循环

33 x Synth 循环

41 个声乐环路

38 x 声乐命中

5 x Kontakt 文书 (完整版佛开播所需)

397 x 鼓一枪

16 x FX 循环 & 点击数

123 124Bpm