Loopmasters Simon Doty Melodic Tech MULTiFORMAT | 690 Mb
Loopmasters present Simon Doty Melodic Tech – a finely-tuned collection of inspiring samples from industry mainstay Simon Doty. Inside you’ll find big analogue Basses, incisive Drums and emotive Synth melodies to get the dancefloor on cruise control.
Simon Doty is a Tech-House producer known for his high-voltage mixes and crystal clear production. His signature sound combines elements of House and Techno to create powerful, high-octane grooves with a funky undercurrent. His tracks have been played and supported by the biggest names around the globe including Carl Cox, Dubfire, Richie Hawtin, Pete Tong, Umek, Mark Knight, Roger Sanchez, Pleasurekraft, Todd Terry, and many more.
Simon Doty Melodic Tech comes your way with over 800 mb of content, featuring Loops, One Hit samples and Multi-samples – provided by Loopmasters and 100% royalty free for your productions. Loops are provided with key information to pick and mix the elements you need to make your tunes pop! Over 50 Music loops include Pads, Organs, Stabs, Arps and Chords – with a wealth of Bass loops to underpin the mix. Add to that Drums, Tops and Perc loops and you have the beginning of something very special.
Over 200 one-hit samples are provided and ready to be deployed! With Drums, FX, Synths and Bass samples to use as you see fit and 10 Multi sampled instruments which allow you to play Simons gear from the comfort of your own studio. That’s not all - with over 50 software sampler patches you can be sure to find the sweet spot!
In detail expect to find 888 mb of content with 377 individual 24 Bit Wav files. 156 Loops include 39 bass Loops, 23 Drum Loops [6 Kicks, 6 Claps, 7 Hats and 4 Rides], 54 Music Loops, 14 Perc, 3 FX Loops and 23 Top Loops. 221 One hit samples are included with 15 Bass hits, 40 Drum hits [9 Claps & Snares, 13 Hats, 6 Kicks & 12 Percs], 19 FX hits and 22 Synth hits. 5 Synth multi samples are included [80 Samples], 5 Bass multi samples [45 Samples], 197 Rex2 Loops and 57 sampler patches for NNXT, Halion, Kontakt, Sfz and Exs24. The collection is also available in Apple Loops, Ableton Live and Reason Refill formats.
Loopmasters 西蒙 · 多蒂旋律科技繁多 |690 mb
Loopmasters 目前西蒙 · 多蒂旋律科技 — — 精细调谐样本收集的鼓舞人心业之中流砥柱西蒙 · 多蒂。在里面你会找到大模拟低音,精辟鼓和情绪化的合成旋律去舞池上巡航控制。
西蒙 · 多蒂是科技馆生产商高电压混合和水晶般清澈生产著称。他的签名声音结合要素的房子和技术来创建功能强大、 高辛烷值槽与时髦的暗流。他的足迹一向扮演,并支持由各地,包括卡尔 · 考克斯、 Dubfire、 里奇 Hawtin,皮特塘、 Umek、马克骑士、 罗杰 · 桑切斯、 Pleasurekraft、 托德 · 特里和更多的大腕。
西蒙 · 多蒂旋律科技来自你的内容,与超过 800 mb 的方式具有循环,一个打样品和多样品 — — 由 Loopmasters 和 100%的版税免费为你的作品。循环提供了关键的信息,来选择和混合元素你需要使你的音乐流行 !超过 50 的音乐循环包括垫、 器官、 刺伤、 Arps 和弦 — — 丰富的低音的循环来支撑的组合。将添加到鼓,上衣和Perc 循环和你有非常特别的东西开始。
超过 200 个击中了一个样本是提供和准备部署 !用鼓、 FX、 合成器和低音的样本来使用,因为你看到合适和 10 多采样仪器,允许你玩西蒙斯齿轮从舒适的你自己的工作室。这不是所有 — — 超过 50 软件采样器修补程序你可一定要找甜的地点 !
详细期望的 377 单个 24 位 Wav 文件找到 888 mb 的内容。156 循环包括 39 低音循环、 23 鼓循环 [6 踢 6 掌声、 7 帽子、 坐 4]、 54 音乐循环、 14 Perc,3 FX 循环和 23 顶部循环。221 一命中的样本包含 15 低音命中、 40 鼓打 [9 掌声 & 网罗、 13 帽子、 6 踢 & 12 Perc]、 19 FX 命中 22 Synth 命中的。5 合成多个样本是包括 [80样品],5 低音多样品 [45 样品],197 Rex2 循环和 57 取样器修补程序 NNXT,Halion,开播、 Sfz 和 Exs24。该集合是也可用在苹果循环,Live 和原因填充格式。