Title: CreativeLive – Curves and Levels with Dave Cross
Levels, Curves, Camera Raw, And Lightroom: Compared
What is the best way to adjust your image? In Curves and Levels, Dave Cross will edit images using Levels, Curves, Camera Raw, and Lightroom to demonstrate the differences between each approach.
You’ll look at the advantages of each technique and learn when you should use each method. You’ll walk away with a better understanding of how these important techniques work and how to decide which tool to use for the job.
标题︰ CreativeLive — — 曲线和水平与戴夫跨
水平、 曲线、 相机原始和 Lightroom︰ 比较
调整你的形象的最好方法是什么?在曲线和水平,戴夫跨将编辑图像用水平、 曲线、 相机原始和 Lightroom 演示每种方法之间的差异。