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音效下载e-Instruments Session Keys Electric R KONTAKT的图片1

e-Instruments Session Keys Electric R KONTAKT | 5.23 Gb

Session Keys Electric R begins with the sound of a vintage 1976 Rhodes Mark I Stage Piano, specially modified with eight individual outputs to capture every nuance of its classic sound. Combined with a host of modern features, Electric R is guaranteed to inspire and satisfy even the most demanding music producers.

In addition to recording line out signals, an extensive microphone setup was used to capture the pure, unaltered acoustic sound of the instrument. The result brings the true Stage Piano feel to life and delivers an exquisitely detailed tone with supreme depth and flexibility. An accompanying set of creative sound design and compositional tools makes Electric R the perfect choice for any production from jazz to funk, soul to pop…and beyond. Electric R – a vintage soul with a modern vibe.


Session Keys Electric R

1976 Stage Piano

Two separate sound banks: Studio and Live

Pentamorph sound control to transform the whole sound with a single knob

Animator with over 400 flexible phrases

Smart Chord function to create instant piano chords from single keys or pads

Effects chain with Tremolo/Auto Pan, Chorus, Phaser, Amp Simulator,
Compressor, Delay and Convolution Reverb

Native Instruments NKS compatible

Size: 10.6 GB / 5.6 GB (lossless sample compression)

电子仪器会话键电气研发开播 |5.23 Gb

会话密钥电气研发开始的声音,一个老式的 1976年罗兹标记 I 阶段钢琴,专门修改与八个人产出捕获其经典的声音的每个细节。结合一系列的现代功能,保证电气研发激励和满足即使是最苛刻的音乐制作。

除了记录信号输出线,广泛麦克风设置用于捕获文书纯、 变声。结果给生活带来的真正的舞台钢琴感觉并提供精美详细的语气与最高深度和灵活性。伴随套创意音响设计和作曲的工具使得电是任何生产从爵士乐的绝佳选择,临阵脱逃,陈的灵魂......和超越。电气研发 — — 一个老式的灵魂,与现代的氛围。



1976 阶段钢琴

两个独立的健全的银行︰ 工作室和活

Pentamorph 声音控制转换整个声音与一个单一的旋钮

动画师用超过 400 灵活短语


与颤音/自动平移、 合唱、 相位、 Amp 模拟器、 压缩机、 延迟和卷积混响效果链

本机的文书 NKS 兼容

大小︰ 10.6 GB/5.6 GB (无损样品压缩)