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Audio Imperia Artifact Fractal KONTAKT | 1.4 Gb

AUDIO IMPERIA's “Artifact Fractal“ is the first instrument in our new “Artifact” signature series. All of the products in the series are produced by composer Valentin Boomes, who is renowned for his industrial, gritty and instantly recognizable trailer music style.

"Artifact - Fractal" was designed specifically for trailer music and music for media campaigns. The initial idea was to create a set of gritty and industrial sound “artifacts”, that are now so commonly used in modern trailer music. The idea took on a life of its own and kept growing and growing and over the course of eight months resulted in one of the most comprehensive industrial and gritty trailer percussion libraries.

Aside from recording drums, we also did extensive recording sessions on scrapyards and construction sites to really give Fractal a real industrial feel. This allowed us to provide drums and hits that have multiple velocity layers and round robin. The kit includes over 2000 samples, that we packaged into a newly designed and really powerful Kontakt engine. The intuitive engine is specifically made with sound design in mind and comes with multiple step modulators, a dual FX page layout and much more.

40 Construction Kits (divided into loops and stems)

3 Signature Drums (multisampled): Giant Percussion, Secret Artifact Ensemble, Tiny Percussion

11 Drum Kits: Artifact, Bit, Broken, Dark Reso, Glitch, Gritty, Lo-Fi, Scream, Shadow, Signal

14 Elements: Cloud Snares, Crispy Fragments, Gritty Shutters, Reversed Fragments, Riser Designer, Risers, Signature Snares, Sub Kicks, Tiny Metals, Trailer Distort Hit, Trailer Hits, Trailer

Punches, Trailer Whoosh Hits, Whooshes


High definition audio quality (includes 48/24 Wav files)

4.2 GB installed

2000 Samples

Multisampled Signature Drums

Custom Kontakt Engine & GUI with dual FX page layout

29 Individual Kontakt Patches

音频 Imperia 工件形开播 |1.4 Gb

因佩里亚音频的"伪影形"是我们新的"神器"签名系列中第一项文书。中的所有产品系列均由作曲家 Valentin Boomes,是他的工业、 坚韧不拔和认出拖车音乐风格而闻名。


除了录制鼓,我们还将广泛录音做,在废车场及建筑地盘真的给分形实际工业的感觉。这使我们能够提供鼓和有多个低速层和循环赛的命中。该工具包包括超过 2000年的样本,我们打包成一个新设计,真正强大的开播引擎。直观的引擎专门作出了与声音设计的思想和带有多个步骤调制器,双重的 FX 页面布局和更多。

40 拼装玩具 (分为循环和茎)

3 签名鼓 (多级)︰ 巨型打击乐,秘密神器合奏,小打击乐

11 鼓包︰ 神器,磕破,黑暗 Reso,毛刺,坚韧不拔,低保真、 尖叫,阴影,信号

14 种元素︰ 云网罗,脆皮碎片,坚韧不拔的百叶窗,逆转片段,冒口设计器中,造反者,签名网罗,子踢,小小的金属,拖车扭曲命中,命中拖车,拖车



高清晰度音频的质量 (包括 48/24 Wav 文件)

4.2 GB 安装

2000 样品


自定义开播引擎 & GUI 与双 FX 页面布局

29 个人开播补丁