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F9 Audio - FORTE Evolution Piano: 1 Redwood For Ableton Live | 1.69 Gb

The Acoustic Piano is an incredibly hard instrument to capture and until now all piano libraries have needed a great deal of additional processing to fit comfortably inside the power of a modern club or pop production. with FORTE Evolution this has all changed.

Listen to the Audio demos above - Everything you are hearing comes direct from this ground breaking sampled piano with little or no additional processing. Thanks to advances in sampling technology and a unique 2 stage analog recording and digital post production processed developed at F9 Audio this Piano will help your piano parts to jump out of Club sound systems and Radio speakers without the need for long plug in chains or latency

The F9 FORTE product line is also about delivering the Chords and we’ve added more than 190 Piano midi files recorded with the Redwood Piano . These are not simple 1 bar loops and over 140 of them contain entire chord sequences for you to use, mangle, chop and abuse. They come without quantise for maximum flexibility and feel . Obviously the beauty of mixing Midi with sampled instruments is that these files will work at any tempo and can easily be transposed

FORTE Evolution Redwood comes with 2 main ( True Stereo ) patches for nearly all formats . The FULL patch uses a large sample pool and multiple velocity splits and has a 1.7gig memory imprint . The ECO patches use a reduced sample set and less velocity splits. As pianos and reverbs are perfect partners we have also included 2 additional multi-sampled sets recorded through a Classic Vintage reverb Unit using a Hall and Room algorithm . This seemed the only way to capture the spin and wander of the modulation in a classic reverb tail and can be added to your piano midi parts in a variety of DAW specific ways with far less system resources than a reverb plug in or convolution


Live 8.4.1+ 9

2 FULL Live racks 1.6Gb

1152 24 bit wav samples

193 Piano Midi files

2 ECO Live racks 420Mb

2 additional Live processing racks

Quick Installation Guide

Full PDF Manual

F9 音频-复地演化钢琴︰ 1 红木为 Ableton 生活 |1.69 Gb


听听音频演示上述-你所听到的一切来自直接这破土动工采样钢琴很少或没有额外的处理。由于采样技术和独特的 2 阶段的进步在这架钢琴将帮助你钢琴的部分要跳出俱乐部音响系统和无线电喇叭而不需要长插上链或延迟 F9 音频制定模拟录制和数码后期制作处理

F9 复地产品线也是交付的和弦,我们已经增加了超过 190 钢琴 midi 文件记录与红木钢琴。这些都不是简单 1 酒吧循环和超过 140 其中包含整个和弦序列为您使用芒果、 砍、 滥用。他们来没有 quantise 最大的灵活性和感觉。美丽的 Midi 掺采样文书显然是这些文件将工作在任何的节奏,很容易可以换位

复地演化红木带有 2 主要 (真正立体声) 几乎所有格式的修补程序。完整的补丁使用大样品池和多个速度拆分并有 1.7gig 内存印记。生态修补程序使用减少的样本集和少速度分裂。作为钢琴和混响是完美的伙伴我们还包括 2 额外多采样的集记录通过经典复古混响单元使用大厅和房间的算法。这似乎捕获的自旋和徘徊在经典的混响尾巴调制的唯一方法,在各种 DAW 具体方式与比在混响插头或卷积少得多的系统资源可以将其添加到您的钢琴 midi 部件


生活 8.4.1+ 9

2 充分活晾衣架 1.6 Gb

1152 24 位 wav 样本

193 钢琴 Midi 文件

2 生态活晾衣架 420 Mb

2 其他活加工衣架


完整的 PDF 手册