CG数据库 >> 音效下载Transmission Samples Shades Of Techno Sample Collection Vol 1 WAV

音效下载Transmission Samples Shades Of Techno Sample Collection Vol 1 WAV的图片1

Transmission Samples Shades Of Techno Sample Collection Vol 1 WAV | 2.18 Gb

We welcome you to our very first Sample Collection! and beware, it’s a big one! If you're a fan of Speedy J, Adam Beyer, Robert Hood, Jeff Mills and James Ruskin this is definitely the Sample Collection for you! With over 1,100 samples ranging from, single drum hits to synthesised basses, drum and lead loops covering tempos of 128bpm, 130bpm and 132bpm this sample collection will give you all you need to create quality track after quality track!

Product Specifications:

• Format: WAV

• Single Hits, Drum And Synth

• Loops At 128BPM, 130BPM, 132BPM Tempos Including Drums, Percussion, Bass, Lead, Effects, Pads

• Key And Tempo-Labelled

• 44.1kHz 24-Bit High Quality

• Compatible With All DAWs

• PC & Mac Compatible

传输样品技术样本集合第 1 卷阴影 WAV |2.18 Gb

我们欢迎您到我们第一次的样本集合 !当心,它是一个大 !如果你是一个风扇的迅速 J,亚当拜尔、 罗伯特 · 胡德、 杰夫磨房和詹姆斯 · 罗斯金这绝对是你收集的样品!与超过 1,100 样品从,单鼓打到合成的贝斯、 鼓和铅循环覆盖节奏 128bpm,130bpm 和 132bpm 此样本集合会给你所有你需要创建质量跟踪后质量跟踪 !


• 格式︰ WAV

• 单命中、 鼓和合成器

• 循环在 128BPM,130BPM,132BPM 的节奏,包括鼓、 打击乐、 低音、 铅、 影响、 垫

• 关键和节奏贴上的标签

• 44.1 k h z 24 位高品质

• 兼容所有 Daw

• PC 与 Mac 兼容