CG数据库 >> Photoshop学习


Duration 1h 30m  MP4

Title: CreativeLive – Learning Design in Photoshop with Paul Trani


Adobe® Photoshop® is a powerful graphic design tool. You can use it to layout websites, make posters, and produce design elements. Learn all about the features tailored for graphic design and how to use them in Learning Design in Adobe® Photoshop®.

Paul Trani will cover setting up files, creating graphics, adding fonts, and managing all your layers and assets so making updates is easy. Paul will demonstrate pro tips that will help you make great designs and feel like an expert.

持续时间 1h 30m MP4

标题︰ CreativeLive — — 学习与保罗特鲁利特拉尼 Photoshop 设计


Adobe® Photoshop® 是一个功能强大的图形设计工具。你可以使用它来布局网站、 制作海报,和生产设计元素。了解所有关于适合平面设计和如何使用它们在 Adobe® Photoshop® 学习设计的特点。

保罗 · 特鲁利特拉尼将介绍如何设置文件,创建图形、 添加字体,并管理您所有的图层和资产,因而使更新是很容易。保罗将展示临的技巧,将帮助你做出伟大的设计和感觉像一个专家。