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Loopmasters Natural Selection Ableton LiVE | 0.99 Gb

Loopmasters present Natural Selection – an evolving soundscape of brightly coloured beats, lush textured pads and warm organic melodies. This lucid collection of dusty, soulful sounds will create an instant backdrop of vibrant colour and depth for your music.

Natural Selection is the sound of the distant future in the past - with vivid, airy atmospheres, subtly processed live bass, crisp drums, pianos, choral pads and bright synth elements. The included instruments ooze with attention to detail – generating a lo-fi, soul feel, with subtly bit-crushed elements and expansive reverbs. Over 50 fresh drum loops are included, with a swung vibe complete with syncopated layers and organic pops for extra texture. The diverse percussive loops favour traditional instruments, but come enriched with modern effects – the sounds of xylophones, shakers, hats, cymbals, tambourines, triangles and many more as you’ve never heard them before!

Single Hits are included to paint your own pictures of sound - with over 100 individual drum hits, as well as bass, atmosphere, synth and music one hit samples. In addition, over 80 sampler patches are included for your favourite daw – pre-formatted and ready to play. At tempos between 90-110BPM, this pack is your Natural Selection for genres including Hip Hop, Downtempo, Chillout, Ambient, Cinematic and LA Beat. Every single musical element is key-labelled for instant use in your tracks, and sound great from the start!

Loopmasters 自然选择 Ableton 生活 |0.99 Gb

Loopmasters 目前自然选择 — — 鲜艳的节拍不断发展景观,郁郁葱葱纹理垫和温暖的有机旋律。尘土飞扬,深情的声音此清醒集合将创建即时的充满活力的颜色和深度为你的音乐背景。

自然选择是未来的过去 — — 与生动、 通风的大气层,在遥远之声巧妙地处理活低音、 脆鼓、 钢琴、 合唱垫和明亮 synth 元素。包括的仪器渗出,关注细节 — — 生成低保真、 灵魂的感觉,巧妙地粉碎位元素与膨胀的混响。超过 50 循环新鲜鼓还包括,与完整切分的层与额外纹理有机持久性有机污染物的摇摆氛围。多样的撞击式循环有利于传统乐器,但富含现代的影响 — — 声音的木琴、 呼风唤雨、 帽子、 铙钹、 铃鼓、 三角形和许多更多的是你从未听说过他们之前 !

唯一命中还来描绘自己的声音-超过 100 个人鼓打,随着低音、 大气、 合成器和音乐的一个命中的样品的图片。此外,超过 80 的取样器补丁也包括针对你最喜欢的昂山 — — 预格式化,并准备发挥。在 90-110BPM 之间的节奏,这包是你自然选择为体裁包括 Hip Hop,Downtempo,Chillout、 周边、 电影和拉击败。每个单一的音乐元素是键被标签为即时使用在你的轨道和从一开始的声音很棒 !