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Zero-G Formation Formant Sound Creator KONTAKT | 2.28 Gb

FORMATION is a unique Kontakt instrument packed with over 250 amazing nki patches which include pads, atmospheres, synths and sfx with custom GUI controls and a state-of-art fully equipped arpeggiator. It comes with a 2.5Gb library of 24bit samples.

Formation is a hybrid SynthROMpler, allowing you to play either the original sampled sounds or to use them as the source for whole new synthesised and modulated sounds. Formation adds a second processed voice to each instrument allowing you to manipulate the formant data in the voice to generate additional audio, like you would to create new sounds using oscillators in a synth, except Formant uses the sampled data from the instrument instead of an oscillator.

Added to this you can apply 4 different effects to the combined sound, and these four slots can contain any of a huge range of effects including filters, EQs, Chorus, Flanger, Convolution Reverbs and distortions. Next is the ability to send different amounts of each individual sound to 4 different Send effects and again you select from a range of different effects in each case. This adds yet more creative options to your final sound. There is also a huge amount of modulation options and the ability to add gating effects too.

Product Details:

• Over 250 unique Kontakt nki files

• GUI With Easy Controls & Fully Automated Midi Controllers

• 2.5Gb of 24bit compressed Kontakt .ncw format Samples

• Eight Fully Equipped Fx Sends

• Two Channels per instrument.

• Formant Controls for channel 2

• Unison Mode

• Amp and Pitch LFOs

• Envelope and Gate Controls

• Amazing Modulation Options

• Eight Note Arpeggiator with ability to control multiple Functions

零重力形成共振峰声音造物主开播 |2.28 Gb

形成是挤满了超过 250 的惊人 nki 补丁其中包括垫、 大气、 合成器和自定义 GUI 控件与 sfx 的独特开播工具和先进的设备齐全的琶音器。它配备了 2.5 Gb 的 24 位样本库。

形成是 SynthROMpler,允许您播放任一原始采样的声音或使用它们作为整个新的源合成和调制声音的混合。形成将第二次加工的声音添加到每个允许您操作中的声音,生成附加音频,像你那样来创建新的声音,在合成器中,使用振荡器,除了共振峰使用来自仪采样的数据而不是一个振荡器的共振峰数据的仪器。

添加到这,你可以将 4 不同效果应用于组合的声音,和这些四个插槽可以包含任何巨大范围的影响包括过滤器、 情商、 合唱、 镶边、 卷积混响和扭曲。接下来是能够发送到 4 的不同数量的每个音不同发送效果,再选择从不同的效果,在每个案件的范围。这将还要更有创造性的选项添加到您最后的声音。另外还有大量的调制选项和太添加浇注影响的能力。


• 在 250 独特开播 nki 文件

• GUI 与容易控制及全自动化的 Midi 控制器

• 2.5 Gb 的 24 位压缩开播.ncw 格式样本

• 八设施齐全 Fx 发送

• 每台仪器的两个通道。

• 为通道 2 的共振峰控件

• 统一模式

• Amp 和沥青 LFOs

• 信封和门控

• 令人惊叹的调制选项

• 八注意琶音器与控制多个功能的能力