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Big Fish Audio & VIP Loops - Trap Royalty

KONTAKT KLi: 3.09 Gb | MULTiFORMAT: 8.57 Gb

Trap Royalty boasts 55 construction kits of modern Trap and Hip Hop in the styles of Baauer, 2 Chains, Diplo, Skrillex, Lil Wayne, Buku, The Weekend, DJ Khaled and more! This library is extremely diverse, providing elements and tracks that break out of the traditional Trap and Hip Hop genre and explore the EDM, minimal, and downtempo vibe that is dominating the charts all over the world. You will lack nothing with this library, each element you could possibly think of is represented right here in Trap Royalty, wether you are looking for a Synth lead, an 808 sub or out of the box FX samples, Trap Royalty has it covered. Each kit also includes full stem and single hit breakdowns of the drum tracks for total beat-flexibility. In addition to the regular loop content, each kit includes a folder of MIDI files for full flexibility and control over the melodic content of the track using your own virtual instruments.

KLi 3.0 Patches:

Single Instruments - These patches include full menus of each group of instruments arranged by kit. For example all the synths from the whole product can be found in the patch called "Synths.nki”. (Loops start at C0 on the keyboard).

Drum Menus - These patches include all single hit drum samples (starting on C2) giving you complete access to create your own custom drum parts, and easily demo different samples in a pre-set midi pattern.

Drum Kits - Loops - These patches include all multi-track drum loops of a particular kit (starting on C2) giving you complete access to customize your drum tracks.

Drum Kits - Hits - These patches include all single hit drum samples from a particular kit (starting on C4) giving you complete access to create your own custom drum parts.

FX Suite - Each patch includes a suite of group-assignable FX to shape the sound and processing of the sample groups individually utilizing the powerful Kontakt audio BUS system.

Demo Patch - One patch is included containing each kits full mix file for easy previewing.


Trap Royalty has been formatted in all the industry standard file types: Apple Loops, Acidized WAV and REX. Every piece of commonly used hardware and software will be compatible with at least one of these fully developed and usable formats.

Each audio file has been expertly cut and edited to loop perfectly, and has been recorded in the highest quality 24-bit rate to ensure absolutely top quality end results.

If you work primarily with Apple products, be sure to utilize the extra loop tagging functionality in Garageband and Apple Logic as well as Apple's proprietary time stretching and pitch bending algorithms.

If you're working inside Protools, Cubase, Fruity Loops, Ableton Live, Sony ACID, or any other DAW on the market, the Acidized WAV files are the perfect fit for time stretching and pitch bending capabilities. The Acidized WAV files can also be used as standard WAV files in almost any music tool in production today.

大鱼音频 & VIP 循环-陷阱版税

韩国开播︰ 3.09 Gb |繁多︰ 8.57 Gb

陷阱皇室拥有 55 工程成套的现代陷阱和嘻哈风格的 Baauer、 2 链、 外交、 Skrillex、 李尔 · 韦恩、 布谷、 周末、 DJ 哈立德和更多 !这个图书馆是极其多样,提供元素和跟踪,打破传统的陷阱和嘻哈风格探索 EDM 中,最小的和 downtempo 盛传支配世界各地图表。你将没有任何东西与此库,每个元素可能你能想到的在这里参加陷阱版税,无论您正在寻找 Synth 铅,808 子或外框 FX 样品,陷阱皇室有它覆盖。每个套件还包括充分干及总的节拍灵活性的鼓曲目单命中的数字。除了普通循环的内容,每个套件包括 MIDI 文件进行充分的灵活性和控制跟踪使用你自己的虚拟仪器的旋律内容的文件夹。

韩国 3.0 补丁︰

单一文书-这些修补程序包括完整的菜单,每个组的安排的工具包的文书。例如从整个产品的所有高亮可以都发现在被称为"Synths.nki"的修补程序。(循环开始在 C0 键盘上)。

鼓式菜单-这些修补程序包括所有单命中的鼓样品 (开始对 C2) 给你完全的访问权限来创建自己的自定义鼓部件,和容易地演示不同样品中预先设定的 midi 模式。

套环-这些修补程序包括所有循环的特定的工具包 (开始对 C2) 的多轨鼓鼓给你完全的访问权限,若要自定义您的鼓声轨道。

鼓的包-点击 — — 这些修补程序包括从一个特定的工具包 (开始对 C4) 的所有单个命中的鼓样品给你完全的访问权限来创建您自己的自定义鼓部件。

富驿套房-每个修补程序包括套房集团转让 FX 塑造声音和抽样群体单独利用强大的开播音频总线系统处理。



陷阱皇室已被格式化在所有行业标准文件类型︰ 苹果循环、 酸化 WAV 和雷克斯。每一件常用的硬件和软件将与至少一个这些充分发达和可用的格式兼容。

每个音频文件被熟练地切割和编辑完美,循环和已记录在最高的质量 24 比特率,以确保绝对高质量的结果。

如果你主要使用苹果的产品,一定要利用额外的循环标记中 Garageband 和苹果逻辑,以及苹果公司的专有时间拉伸和音高弯曲算法的功能。

如果你在市场上 Protools、 Cubase、 果味循环、 Live、 索尼酸或任何其他 DAW里面工作,酸化的 WAV 文件是适合时间拉伸和音高弯曲能力。酸化的 WAV 文件也可以用作标准的 WAV 文件,几乎任何音乐的工具,今天的生产中。