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音效下载Synth Magic Vector X Vol 1 & Vol 2 KONTAKT的图片1

The Sequential Circuits Prophet VS was a vector synthesiser produced between 1986-87. It utilised samples of waveforms as oscillators. These waveforms were then routed through traditional analogue filters and envelope generators etc. The sound of the Prophet VS was different from the usual analogue polysynths of that era and was notable for its use by many film score composers (including John Carpenter).

Vector X is a custom instrument for Native Instruments Kontak 5 featuring a huge library of sounds and samples from our very own Prophet VS here at Synth Magic headquarters. The varied multisampled waveforms are all under the control of the custom user interface so you can easily sculpt your own amazing VS sounds! There are lots of presets provided to get you started and see what Vector X is capable of. Vector X’s custom user interface, designed by saintjohnbaxter, allows for quick and easy access to all waveforms, plus an arpeggiator, full effects section, mono modes and a full modulation section, complete with even more controls for expression and controlling LFOs with aftertouch etc.

Vector X includes the infamous VS Choir and Filmscore sounds. There's also plenty of gritty synth sounds, smooth organs, 5th stacks, analogue waveforms, abstract tones and more, which are all easily auditioned using the custom-built Vector X Waveform Browser. The V-Mix slider on the main synth page allows the user to morph between two loaded Vector X waveforms - with precise control over volume, pan and LFO speeds.

时序电路先知 VS 是 1986年-87 之间产生的矢量合成器。它利用波形的样品作为振荡器。这些波形,然后经由传统的模拟滤波器和信封发电机等。先知 VS 的声音不同于平时模拟 polysynths 的那个时代,对其使用的很多电影得分作曲家 (包括约翰木匠) 显著。

向量 X 是本机文书 Kontak 5 具有巨大的声音和我们自己先知 VS 这里 Synth 魔术总部从样品库自定义工具。多样的多级采样的波形都正在自定义用户界面的控件使您可以轻松地造型自己惊人的 VS 声音 !有很多的预设提供帮助您入门,看看向量 X 是能干。向量 X 的自定义用户界面,由 saintjohnbaxter,设计允许快速地访问到所有的波形,再加上琶音器、 单声道模式、 全面影响部分充分调制的一段,完成与表达和控制 LFOs 与触后等更多的控制。

向量 X 包括臭名昭著的 VS 唱诗班和 Filmscore 的声音。另外还有大量的坚韧不拔的合成声音,光滑的器官、 5 堆栈、 模拟波形、 抽象的调子和更多,所有容易试镜使用定制的向量 X 波形浏览器。主要 synth 页上的 V 混合滑块允许用户之间两个加载的向量 X 波形-卷、 潘和低频振荡速度精确控制变形。