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音效下载ProjectSAM Symphobia Colours Animator v1.2 KONTAKT的图片1

ProjectSAM Symphobia Colours Animator v1.2 KONTAKT | 2.36 Gb

ProjectSAM Symphobia Colours is a brand-new virtual instrument series that expands the world of Symphobia. Building on the Symphobia concept, Symphobia Colours brings you fresh sounds in smaller packages. Animator, the first library of its kind, marks the launch of this exciting new series. Laughing clarinets, jazzy staccatos, xylophone winks and trombone slides – Symphobia Colours: Animator is a library dedicated to all things funny. Instantly playable, Animator will become your go-to source when scoring cartoons, animated features, light games or sitcoms.

Animator pays homage to the masters of animation scoring – Scott Bradley and Carl Stalling. Featuring an ensemble that consists of (bass) clarinet, bassoon, trumpet, trombone, violin, contrabass, piano, harp and percussion, the library focuses on short, snappy and playable articulations, phrases and special effects. These recordings are grouped by action, with names such as ‘Wink Wink’, ‘Uh Oh’ and ‘Laughter’, enabling you to quickly find the sound you need.

Animator focuses on ensemble recordings, with differently arranged instrument combinations spread over the keyboard. A selection of articulations is also available for individual instruments, such as a laughing glissando played by just clarinet or trombone. Furthermore, a selection of cartoon sounds from Symphobia 3: Lumina is included. The Animator interface allows for real-time mixing of the 3 mic positions, independent pitch and speed controlling, tempo syncing and on-the-fly octave shifting. All this makes Animator ProjectSAM´s most playable and – dare we say it – funniest library to date.


- Aimed at cartoon, feature animation, light games and sitcoms

- Arrangement: (bass) clarinet, bassoon, trumpet, trombone, violin, bass, piano, harp & percussion

- Instantly playable, pre-arranged articulations and effects

- Select solo articulations and effects

- 3 concert hall mic positions with real-time mixing

- Tempo-synced runs & phrases

- Free time-stretch control for majority of instruments

- Tempo sync for runs and phrases

- On-the-fly octave shifting (nudge instrument mapping left or right)

- Contains select material from Symphobia 3: Lumina

- 4 GB library pool (2 GB in compressed NCW format)

- 44.1 kHz 24 bit

- Kontakt 5.3 format

- License for Kontakt Player included

ProjectSAM Symphobia 颜色动画师 v1.2 开播 |2.36 Gb

ProjectSAM Symphobia 颜色是扩展的 Symphobia 世界的一种全新的虚拟仪器系列。建设 Symphobia 概念,有 Symphobia 颜色带给你新鲜的声音,小包中。动画师,第一个图书馆的先河,标志着发射的这令人兴奋的新系列。笑单簧管、 爵士断奏、 木琴传情动漫和伸缩喇叭幻灯片 — — Symphobia 颜色︰ 动画师是献给所有事情有趣的图书馆。马上就可以玩,动画师将成为您去来源时得分漫画、 动画片、 轻游戏或情景喜剧。

动画师致敬大师的动画得分 — — 斯科特 · 布拉德利和卡尔 Stalling。图书馆设有包括 (男低音) 单簧管、 巴松管、 小号、 长号、 小提琴、 最低音定、 钢琴、 竖琴和打击乐合奏,侧重于短小,活泼,可播放的关节,短语和特殊效果。这些录音进行分组行动,名称,如眨眼睛、 啊哦 ' 和 '笑',使您能够快速找到您需要的声音。

动画师重点合奏录音,以不同的方式安排的仪器组合遍布键盘。发音方式的选择也是供个人的文书,如笑的滑音,只是单簧管或长号演奏的。此外,选择卡通声音从 Symphobia 3︰ 腔是包括在内。动画师接口允许实时混合的 3 个麦克风位置、 独立音调和速度控制、 节奏同步和上飞八度移。这一切使动画师 ProjectSAM´s 最可播放和— — 我们不敢说它 — — 到目前为止最有趣的图书馆。


-旨在漫画、 动画制作、 轻游戏和情景喜剧

-安排: (低音) 单簧管、 巴松管、 小号、 长号、 小提琴、 低音、 钢琴、 竖琴 &打击乐



-3 个音乐会大厅 mic 职位与实时混合

-节奏同步运行 & 短语



-对--飞八度移 (向左或向右微移其仪器映射)

-包含从 Symphobia 3 材料选择︰ 腔

-4 GB 库池 (在网络中心战的压缩格式的 2 GB)

-44.1 kHz 24 位

-开播 5.3 格式
