CG数据库 >> 音效下载BolderSounds Bluegrass Banjo v3 KONTAKT

音效下载BolderSounds Bluegrass Banjo v3 KONTAKT的图片1

BolderSounds Bluegrass Banjo v3 KONTAKT | 1.5 Gb

In this library you will find a 5 string banjo which has the classic warm tone associated with pre-war banjos as well as an instrument with plenty of punch to cut through a mix. Even though this library is called a Bluegrass sample library, you will find it to be quite flexible across many different musical genres.

This library is extremely popular among Bolder Sounds users. We felt by adding new sampled articulations we could make it an even more effective library. The new samples include 4 new pluck positions along the string length of the banjo as well as Scruggs-Keith tuner mechanism samples. A complete list of new features in version 3 is outlined below in this manual. If you already own the Bluegrass Banjo library maybe you are wondering -"did I ever get version 2 of the Bluegrass Banjo?" Yes- you did. It was updated to version 2 very shortly after its initial release.


• Up to 5 x independent round-robin per key, for each of the 5 strings of the banjo. Each string was sampled chromatically up to the 17th fret. The first string was sampled beyond the 17th fret.

• All the strings are sampled on 5 different pluck positions of the banjo.

• The Pluck Positions can either be selected via Key Switches or via a very advanced Pluck Position velocity selection system.

• You can freely adjust at what velocity level the different positions will be selected and make any kind of position combinations. All the settings can be saved as Presets.

• The Bluegrass Banjo V3 also includes 379 Midi files to help you build realistic banjo arpeggios and chords.

• Banjo resonance via an Impulse Response made from the banjo head.

• Various articulations: Hammer-On and Pull-Off, Half step and Whole step Slide, Harmonic and Scruggs D-Tuner bends. All with 2 x independent round-robin per key.

• A very advanced and intelligent scripted Pitch Bend and Vibrato control.

• Detailed KSP scripted control of Fretting Position on the neck of the banjo, including an Auto Fret Selection feature.

• A Key Switch Page where you can freely assign which key will trigger the various Key Switches and save the settings as Presets.

• 8 different effects - each with its own Preset menus, so you can save and recall all the various parameters.

BolderSounds 蓝草音乐班卓琴 v3 开播 |1.5 Gb

在此库中,你会发现 5 弦班卓琴具有经典温暖的色调与战前五弦琴,以及用冲床通过混合削减大量仪器相关联。尽管此库被称为早熟禾样本库,你会发现它必须非常灵活跨越许多不同的音乐流派。

这个图书馆是波尔声音用户中极为流行。我们认为通过添加新的采样的关节,我们可以使它更有效的图书馆。新的样品包括沿字符串长度的班卓琴斯克鲁格斯凯斯调谐器机制样品 4 新采摘阵地。版本 3 中的新功能的完整列表在本手册概述如下。如果你已经拥有的蓝草音乐班卓琴库也许你想知道-我曾经做版本 2 的蓝草音乐班卓琴吗?"是啊-你做了。它不久后其初始版本更新到版本 2。


• 5 x 每个键,每个 5 班卓琴的琴弦独立循环赛。每个字符串进行上色采样到 17 的烦恼。第一个字符串超出 17 fret 采样。

• 所有字符串的都抽样数在 5 个不同采摘职位的班卓琴。

通过键开关或通过一种非常先进的摘下位置速度选择系统,也可以选择 • 摘下位置。

• 您可以自由调整什么速度一级不同位置将被选中时,做出任何种类的位置组合。所有设置可以都保存为预设。

• 蓝草音乐班卓琴 V3 还包括 379 的 Midi 文件,以帮助您构建现实班卓琴琶音、 和弦。

• 通过脉冲响应的班卓琴共振由班卓琴头。

• 各种关节︰ 锤上拉下来,半步和整个步骤幻灯片、 谐波和斯克鲁格斯 D 调谐器的折弯。所有用 2 x 每个键的独立循环赛。

• 非常先进,智能化脚本化的弯音和颤音控制。

• 详细的 KSP 脚本微动位置脖子上班卓琴,包括汽车担心选择功能的控制。

• 在那里你可以自由分配哪个键键开关页将触发各种钥匙开关,将设置保存为预设。

• 8 不同的效果-每一个都有它自己预设菜单,这样您可以保存和重新调用所有的各种参数。