Duration 15h Project Files Included MP4
Title: Cubebrush – PBR Character For Games
Here’s my latest tutorial – the biggest yet by a landslide – on how to create a character with PBR textures for a AAA game production.
Along with 15 hours of video content with commentary on all the key steps you’ll get:
-High poly model
-High poly base sculpt
-Low poly game model
-Project files
This was almost 2 months in the making and I poured a lot of sweat and tears into it, I really hope you guys like it!
持续时间 15 h 项目文件包括的 MP4
标题︰ Cubebrush — — 游戏的 PBR 字符
这里是我最新的教程 — — 最大压倒性的胜利 — — 如何创建一个字符与 AAA 游戏制作的 PBR 纹理。
随着 15 个小时的视频内容与述评的所有关键步骤中,你会得到︰
这是近 2 个月制作和投入其大量的汗水和眼泪,我真希望你们喜欢它 !