CG数据库 >> SkillShare – Cinema 4D布料模拟教程

SkillShare – Cinema 4D布料模拟教程的图片1

Duration 20m MP4

Title: SkillShare – Tear up Cloth Sphere in Cinema 4D


In this short class we will create a very nice and realistic simulation of a tear cloth sphere in cinema 4d

We will use powerful built in tools of Cinema 4D without any third party plugins you need a little bit knowledge of using Cinema 4D to grab this class and start creating cloth simulation in Cinema 4d .

持续时间 20 m MP4

标题︰ 技能 — — 撕毁,布球在电影院 4 D


在这个简短的类,我们将创建 4 d 影院撕裂布领域非常漂亮和现实模拟

我们将使用强大的内置的工具的 4d 电影院,没有任何第三方插件,你只需要一点点一点点知识的使用四维影院抓取此类,并开始在电影院 4 d 创建布料仿真。