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Adam Monroe Wurlitzer KONTAKT | 1.12 Gb

Adam Monroe's Wurlitzer virtual instrument plugin was sampled from an "early model" 1970's Wurlitzer 200A electronic piano. The process began by close-miking the piano with Beyerdynamic MC930 condenser microphones on the Wurlitzer's built-in speakers, and an AEA R84 Ribbon Mic on the line-out signal through a Fender Deluxe Reverb Amp. These signals were fed into Grace M101 and AEA TRP Preamps respectively.

The wurlitzer's amplifier and preamp were re-capped in an attempt to save the amplifier, but about half way through the sampling process the amplifier died, which eventually killed the power transformer. The preamp, amp, and power transformer were all replaced and sampling continued. Well sampling the bass notes, it became apparent that the Wurlitzer's built in speakers also needed to be replaced.

Most keys on the Wurlitzer were mostly in tune, but a few keys needed fine adjustment, and F2 needed to be replaced completely, as our attempt to "add solder" to the lead tine, in order to lower the pitch, failed completely. The Wurlitzer samples were processed with EQ in order to cut a lot of the low frequencies out, in order to better sit in a mix as a more midrange instrument, as the bass frequencies were heavily dominant.

This was the most temperamental instrument we have sampled thus far. This is to be somewhat expected, as a Wurlitzer 200A contains numerous electronic components from the 1970's that were not designed to last 40+years, such as electrolytic capacitors. Compared to the passive design of a Rhodes piano, there's simply a lot that can go wrong, which is why we recommend purchasing a Wurlitzer sample library!

Some simple linear distortion was added to the Kontakt versions, as well as some built-in reverb. A smooth button was added to dial back some of the harshness of digital linear distortion. The Kontakt version of Adam Monroe's Mark Wurlitzer is cross-platform, and is maintained by Native Instruments, all the programming and effects being done through them. Some simple scripting is done by us.


• 64 Note Range From (A1 - C7).

• DI And Amp notes , Reverb , & Distortion.

• 10 Velocity Layers , 3-note Round Robin.

• 5 GB of Sample Data.

• Full version of Kontakt 5 needed.

亚当 · 门罗沃利策开播 |1.12 Gb

亚当 · 门罗沃利策虚拟仪器插件进行采样"早期模式"从 20 世纪 70 年代沃利策 200A电子钢琴。关闭与沃利策的内置扬声器,拜亚 MC930 电容式麦克风和线路输出信号通过一个挡泥板豪华混响 Amp AEA R84 丝带麦克风扩音钢琴所开始的进程。这些信号分别送入恩典 M101 和 AEA TRP 前置放大器。


沃利策上的大多数键都是在曲调,但几个键需要精细调整,和 F2 需要更换完全,我们尝试将"添加焊料"到铅齿,以降低音调,彻底失败了。沃利策样品进行处理与情商,减少大量的低频率,能更好地坐在混合作为一个更多的中端工具,因为低音频率还严重占主导地位。

这是我们迄今有采样最变化无常的乐器。这是有点意料之中,沃利策 200A 包含众多的电子元器件,从上世纪 70 年代,并非为了最后 40 + 的年份,例如铝电解电容器。罗兹钢琴的被动设计相比,那里是简单了很多,可以去错了,这就是为什么我们建议购买沃利策样本库 !

开播版本,以及一些内置的混响添加了一些简单的线性失真。平滑按钮添加拨回一些严酷的数字线性失真。亚当 · 门罗马克沃利策的开播版本是跨平台的是由和维护本机文书,所有的编程和正在通过他们的影响。由我们做一些简单的脚本。


• 64 注范围从 (A1-C7)。

• 迪和 Amp 笔记,混响,& 失真。

• 10 低速层,3 注循环赛。

• 5 GB 的示例数据。

• 开播 5 所需的完整版本。