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Ueberschall 80s Synthwave ELASTiK | 1.94 Gb

80s Synthwave features 10 massive construction kit projects ready to be arranged and made your own. This Elastik library contains nearly 3.5GB of samples and around 700 loops. Inspired by the likes of John Carpenter and Kavinsky (who contributed to the soundtrack for Drive in 2011) the library has captured the authentic sound of the 80s but delivers it with the modern production sensibility associated with the synthwave and retrowave movement.

Instrumentation includes electronic drums, massive bass synths, multiple synth parts including arpeggiated lines, lead melodies, chord and pads and various sound effects. The sound sources are based upon classic synth hardware with both digital and analog synths used. Instruments include the Prophet 5, OB-X, DX-7 and other FM synths. Drum sounds are inspired by Linndrum, Oberheim DMX, Simmons SDS and the classic 909. Both pre-mixed drum loops and separate loops for individual kit elements such as kick, snare, hi-hat and cymbals are provided, making it easy to craft your own drum mix or to construct a breakdown. Effects used included gated reverb. Single-shot drum samples are also included. Whether for music producers looking for their next synth-based club hit, or media composers wanting the genuine sound of 1980s synth music but with a modern twist, 80s Synthwave will deliver in epic fashion.

80 Ueberschall Synthwave ELASTiK |1.94 Gb

80 Synthwave 功能 10 套件大兴土木,准备安排并让你拥有的。此 Elastik 库包含近3.5 GB 的样品和大约 700 循环。启发下约翰木匠和 Kavinsky (为驱动器 2011 年贡献配乐) 喜欢图书馆已抓获 80 年代的真实声音,但它所传递出的现代生产感性与 synthwave 和 retrowave 的运动相关联。

仪器仪表包括电子鼓、 巨大的低音合成器、 多个合成器部分包括琶音线、 铅旋律、和弦和垫和各种声音效果。声源都基于经典 synth 硬件与使用的数字和模拟合成器。文书包括先知 5,OB X,DX 7 和其他 FM 合成器。鼓的声音的灵感来自 Linndrum、 Oberheim DMX、 西蒙斯 SDS 和经典 909。两个预混合循环鼓并提供个人工具包内容包括踢、 网罗、-帽子、 铙钹的独立的回路,轻松打造你自己鼓组合,或兴建击穿。使用效果包括封闭的混响。单发鼓样品也是包括在内的。无论是为了寻找他们下合成器为基础的俱乐部命中或想要的上世纪 80 年代 synth 音乐,但与现代扭曲的真正声音媒体作曲家的音乐制作,80 年代 Synthwave 将史诗般的方式交付。