Title: TJ Drysdale – Fine Art Editing Tutorial
Welcome to my Fine Art Editing Tutorial! Whether you are a novice just getting your start in photography, or a seasoned professional looking to improve your workflow, this class will teach you how to unlock lesser known Photoshop tricks. This tutorial takes three of my images and walks you through every step I took to make the scenes in each photo come to life. Take advantage of all that Photoshop has to offer and get ready to learn the tips and tricks I have discovered for adding artistic effects to images!
The video is compatible with PC and Mac
标题︰ TJ Drysdale — — 美术编辑教程
欢迎来到我的美术编辑教程 !无论你是新手刚开始你在摄影,或经验丰富的专业水准,提高您的工作流,此类将教你如何解锁小雅已知的 Photoshop 技巧。本教程介绍的三个我的图像和步行通过走使场景中的每张照片的每一步你会苏醒过来。充分利用 Photoshop 提供了提供和准备学习技巧和提示我发现向图像中添加艺术效果的所有 !
这个视频是与 PC 和 Mac 兼容