CG数据库 >> Nuke脸蛋跟踪教程


Duration 3h 23m Project Files Included MP4

Facial Tracking and Reconstruction in NUKEX


Learn how to track the human face and reconstruct it with ease and confidence. In this course, you’ll learn how to use NUKEX’s Camera Tracker in a new way in order to track the motion of an actor’s head, and then reconstruct the actors face as polygonal geometry in preparation for a larger VFX shot. First, you’ll learn how to prepare footage for tracking in NUKEX. Next, you’ll learn how to use NUKEX’s camera tracker and how to create detailed point clouds in NUKE. Then, you’ll learn how to create geometry from point clouds in both NUKE and Maya. Finally, you’ll learn how to create reference textures from footage using NUKE’s UV rendering. By the end of this course, you’ll have a better understanding on how facial tracking and reconstruction works in NUKEX. Software required: NUKEX, Maya 2017.

持续时间 3 h 23 米项目文件包括的 MP4

人脸跟踪和 NUKEX 重建


了解如何跟踪人脸并重建它的从容和自信。在本课程中,您将学习如何使用 NUKEX 的摄像机跟踪器以新的方式进行追踪运动的一个演员的头,然后重建男演员脸部的多边形几何为一个更大的视觉特效镜头做准备。首先,你将学习如何为追踪 NUKEX 准备素材。接下来,您将学习如何使用 NUKEX 的摄像机跟踪系统以及如何在 NUKE 中创建详细的点云。然后,您将学习如何从点云在 NUKE 和玛雅人创建几何。最后,您将学习如何创建参考纹理从使用核弹的 UV 呈现的画面。这门课程结束时,你将有更好地理解 NUKEX 如何面部跟踪及重建工程。所需软件︰ NUKEX、 玛雅 2017年。