Duration 1h 49m Project Files Included MP4
Developing GUI-based Tools for Production in NUKE
NUKE provides a function called “tool-sets” to insert node collections into your node graph. Unfortunately this works only on a single workstation and NUKE doesn’t provide functionality to share tool-sets among multiple artists in a network. In this course, Developing GUI Based Tools for Production in NUKE, you’ll learn in great detail how to develop GUI-based tools for production in NUKE. First, you’ll learn about the different GUI options provided inside NUKE. Next, you’ll be shown how to set up a clean plug-in structure. Then, you’ll learn how to work efficiently by outsourcing your code into multiple modules. Finally, you’ll develop the core functionality and helper functions for the plug-in. By the end of this course, you’ll have a good understanding of how to plan, structure, and program your own plug-ins for NUKE. Software required: NUKE 8 or greater, PyCharm 4 or greater.
持续时间 1 h 49 m 项目文件包括的 MP4
在 NUKE 生产开发基于 GUI 的工具
NUKE 提供一个叫做"工具集"来插入你节点图的节点集合函数。不幸的是这只在单个工作站工作和核弹不提供共享网络中的多个艺术家之间的工具集的功能。在此过程中,开发 GUI 的基于工具生产在 NUKE,你会学会很详细开发生产在 NUKE 基于 GUI 的工具。首先,您将了解核弹里面提供的不同的 GUI 选项。接下来,你将被示如何设置清洁插件结构。然后,您将学习如何通过外包成多个模块的代码有效地工作。最后,您将开发核心功能和辅助功能的插件。这门课程结束时,你将有很好地理解如何计划,结构,和核弹计划你自己的插件。所需软件︰ NUKE 8 或更高版本,PyCharm4 或更高版本。